Godfre and Lotus, I AM Messengers
Guy and Edna Ballard served as the Messengers for
the I AM Movement. They held the spiritual office of the Two Witnesses
before Mark and Elizabeth Clare Prophet. After their transition they
ascended as Godfre and Lotus. Godfre was first contacted by Saint
Germain in the 1930s, to bring the teachings of the I AM, and the
awareness of the violet
flame to America and the world. As a result of their service,
thousands of people offered the violet flame. Godfre made his ascension
in 1939 and you can read more about him here.
to Godfre Here
Edna continued her service as a messenger for many years after her
husband's ascension. She was affectionately called Mama Ballard by
her students and used the pen name, Lotus Ray King. She was severely
persecuted, wrongly indicted and even sentenced to a year in prison,
which was later suspended. in her great love for Saint Germain and
the cause of freedom, she endured the lies and hatred that was directed
against her and her work. Edna made her ascension in 1971 and became
the the ascended lady master Lotus. Previous to this embodiment, Lotus
was embodied as Benjamin Franklin, Elizabeth I of England and mother
of Francis Bacon and Saint Joan of Arc.
and Nada, Bob and Pearl
Rex, Nada, Bob and Pearl are ascended master youth
who lived in the United States in the twentieth century. Together,
they serve the youth of the world by drawing forth the threefold flame
of life from the white-fire core of every atom and cell in the being
of man.
In their final embodiment, Rex and Nada Rayborn
were brother and sister, and Bob and Pearl Singleton were also brother
and sister. When the four came together, Saint Germain revealed that
Bob and Nada were twin flames, and the Rex and Pearl were twin flames.
Rex served as a teacher of truth, a famous scientist
and a military leader in many lifetimes. Pearl served in the Temple
of Light on Atlantis and was a teacher of truth for many lifetimes.
Nada was embodied as a mogul emperor in India, as a high priestess
in Egypt and had also served with her twin flame on Atlantis. Bob
served under George Washington during the American Revolution.
The four were embodied together during the life of Enoch. They tell
the story of how they were unruly youth who threw stones at the “old
man” as he was kneeling before an angel. Enoch prayed profoundly
for them and became their sponsor. As an ascended master, Enoch gave
them many initiations lifetime after lifetime, including the physical
trial by fire. Three of the four were thrown in an actual furnace
while in physical embodiment. They were Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego,
whose story is in the Bible. The fourth received the initiation on
inner planes.
Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego had so accelerated
their physical vibration in prior incarnations that they were unsinged.
Having passed that initiation long ago, the master Saint Germain received
them as candidates for a physical ascension in their final incarnation.
The story is told in The Magic Presence.
When a physical ascension takes place, the body is transformed and
replaced by the light body of the higher self. The soul becomes permanently
clothed with this light body, called “deathless solar body,”
without the earth body having to go through the change called death.
Physical ascensions are a rare exception, as the
candidate must have balanced ninety-five to one hundred percent of
their karma. Still, Saint Germain wanted to leave a record of that
possibility for souls who would follow in the footsteps of these four
during the next two thousand years.
As ascended masters, Rex, Nada, Bob and Pearl assist
the youth of the world. They enlist our help in creating focuses of
light that will appeal to young people, to draw their souls unto their
own God-presence. In 1989, the four announced during a dictation through
Elizabeth Clare Prophet that they had come from Venus with a mandala
of twenty-five thousand ascended master youth to sponsor and raise
up the children of earth. These masters serve in the Retreat
of the Divine Mother and we can call for their help with our children
and with young people everywhere.
and Nada Rayborn
Daniel and Nada Rayborn were the parents to Rex and
Nada, whose story was shared by Godfre in The Magic Presence.
Nada was a student of Lady Master Nada, and a great opera singer
both before and after her ascension. saint Germain first came to her
at the beginning of her career and touched her forehead with the fingers
of his right hand, when she was suffering from extreme stage-fright.
Instantly, she calmed down and gave a most splendid performance. Through
her singing she could part the veil between heaven and earth. when
it came time for Nada to work on inner levels, Saint Germain told
her he would look after her children. After her passing, a group of
twelve beings of light, similar to what Dannion Brinkley experienced,
surrounded her and taught her how to raise the atomic structure of
her physical body into the “pure electronic body.” Nada
described this process:
“I became more and more aware of blazing light filling my entire
body.... I felt the most marvelous radiant energy surge in and through
me, sweeping away every vestige of resistance and imperfection and
quickening my consciousness. I became more and more aware of my Mighty
I AM Presence until finally it stood before me visible, tangible and
very real. Steadily and powerfully, I felt my physical body drawn
into and enveloped by my glorious God-self, and when I stepped out
of the cemetery, I could scarcely realize how transcendent I had become.”
Following her ascension, Nada was able to visit her family from the
ascended state through the intercession of Saint Germain.
Saint Germain met Daniel Rayborn and described him
as “very pleasant, for his whole attitude was one of harmony
and kindliness, and at the same time, I felt that he was a man of
strong character with a keen sense of honor.” After several
years, Saint Germain instructed Daniel that he would soon be making
his ascension. Saint Germain took Daniel, along with his children
Rex and Nada, and Godre to the Cave
of Symbols, an ascended master retreat that has a physical entrance
in the vicinity of Table Mountain, Wyoming. The master had Daniel
sit in the atomic accelerator chair, which was aglow with currents
of light. This raised the atomic structure of his body and he received
a life-extension. A year later, Daniel returned to the Cave of Symbols
and for several days, prepared for his ascension. In a dictation that
he gave in 1963, Daniel described the process he experienced. He said,
“Oh, the glory and the surge of power, the
supreme blessing, the contact with the angelic host! But, above all,
was the great feeling of union with one's own Mighty I AM Presence....I
became aware of regions of cosmos not even thought of or conceived
of by me before. And I felt a kinship with wonderful individual minds
and hearts, a reunion with those whom I had long suffered absence
from. I knew on the instant that nothing in this world was significant
or worthy of anything by comparison to the ascension....The final
thought that passed through my mind as I rose up into the great light
to be absorbed was , 'Oh, if only I could tell them!'
This is the desire that we of the ascended hosts
feel—to reach down into human consciousness, with all of its
density, its almost suffocating outer conditions and to say, 'Oh,
do put all that you have into your search for your divinity that yo
might receive the blessing of the ascension at the conclusion of this
In the same dictation, Daniel taught us whenever
we are burdened, to say three times with conviction: “This too
shall pass. The light of God never fails!”
David Lloyd was someone who,
after fifty years of continuous searching amidst great trials, met
Godfre Ray King on Mount Shasta. When Godfre offered him a drink from
a nearby spring, a crystal cup formed in the messenger's hand, filled
with a sparkling elixir that Saint Germain had previously offered
Godfre. David then told Godfre the story of his life, and Godfre called
to Saint Germain and to his own Mighty I AM Presence to be of some
assistance to David. Another chalice formed in his hand filled with
living, liquid light. David drank the elixir and his youth returned.
Following this he rose from the ground into his ascension in the light.
By making the call to help
David, Godfre passed his initiation and rose in service as a messenger,
having directly contributed to David's physical ascension. This event
teaches us that we are all keys to one another's victory. We must
all be alert to affirm, uphold and serve that victory in one another.
in so doing, we will all rise up the ladder of initiation together
and with each other's help. This is the true meaning of the Great
White Brotherhood.
Alexander Gaylord ascended in 1937 after having served
in the Cosmic Secret Service, a team of unascended and ascended masters
who work undercover to bring about positive change in the affairs of
nations. Godfre recounts meeting Alexander Gaylord on a ship heading
for Europe in the book, The Magic Presence.
Today, Alexander Gaylord works alongside his twin flame,
Lady Master Leto, as an emissary of peace and freedom to mankind, and
he occasionally manifests a physical body to accomplish his missions.
Alexander Gaylord also teaches classes in the Department of Cosmic Psychology
and Geopolitical Studies at the Royal
Teton Retreat. He teaches about how to overcome the nefarious forces
at work in the world and their manipulation of the masses. He and Leto
also share a special service for the youth and they both also serve
at the Retreat of
the Master of Paris.
Ascended Students
from the I AM Movement
Many students ascended from the I AM movement including
these ones who whose names were published in I AM Publications:
Lady Master
Betty Mundy
Mr. and Mrs. Blackman
Dick Emery
Earl Thomas
Mr Milson
Mr. and Mrs. Trommer
Charles Sindelar
Charles Sindelar ascended from the I AM movement.
He is remembered for painting these timeless focuses of the Master
Jesus and the Master Saint Germain, who appeared to him so he could
accomplish their portraits.
J.C. Penney
Students of the I AM movement were told that the
founder of the stores, J.C. Penney had made his ascension, and had
always conducted his business in a most ethical way. The slogan for
the J.C. Penney Stores, “It's all inside,” is actually
a double-entendre with a spiritual glyph.
Nada Darling
Nada Potter was a young child who embodied to show
the example of an “ascended master youth” lifestyle. She
ascended in August 1942 in Chicago and was about ten years old. She
was affectionately called “Nada Darling" both before and
after her ascension, and was called the “Fourth Nada,”
for the four lady masters who bear the same name.
Otto Shneider
Otto was the Chicago Youth group leader for the I
AM Movement until he made His Ascension. He volunteered to resign
from this position when he was 33, to give a younger person the opportunity,
but Mrs. Ballard asked him to continue because Beloved Saint Germain
thought he was doing a good job.
Otto was also an excellent pianist and organist and played for the
Thursday evening group meetings in Chicago. The group customarily
sang a song called “The Ascension” as a meditation before
listening to the recording of an ascended master dictation. One particular
evening, the group leader asked Otto to play the peace as an instrumental
As Otto was driving some senior ladies home after the meeting, he
kept saying, “I think I must have ruined my good white suit
coat because I was sweating so profusely when I played that contemplation
The next evening, when Otto didn't show up for the
normal Youth Group meeting, some students went to his house. They
found the piece of music for “The Ascension” open on the
music rack of Otto's piano. His body was still dressed in his white
suit, and his body was laying face up on top of the bed coverings.
His arms were by the sides of his head, as though he had been reaching
up and his face had the expression of a very happy smile!
Otto's photograph is displayed in the Youth Sanctuary at the “I
AM” Temple in Chicago.