The Story of the Soul
Like Persephone, your soul has been a prisoner of
the underworld, in bondage to the momentums of the lesser self, the
tyrant human ego. Prisoner of the seat-of-the-soul chakra, she longs
for the light she once new before she fell from grace by her own free
will choices. This light shines from above as the divine promise of
reunion with God sealed in the secret chamber of the heart.
Lifetime after lifetime, the soul wears a new personality
and engages in life's ups and downs as she wrestles with the momentums
of negative karma that she has made and must balance. In this valley
of the shadow of death, she longs for the light, for reunion with
the higher self who is her bridegroom, her knight in shining armor,
her Holy Christ Self.
You are her personality, her agent of free will.
You are empowered to set her free.
Free Will
In the beginning, God made man a little lower than
the angels but with the potential and divine destiny to become crowned
with greater glory. This extraordinary opportunity is a result of
free will, the most precious gift God could bestow upon his children,
and the very quality that makes them God. Mankind was a Christed evolution
and glory is the innate virtue of the Christ.
The Great Rebellion
When God created mankind, he appointed the angels
to serve mankind through their cycles of evolution. Lucifer, an archangel
of great light, thought it was not fair that man be given free will
or become crowned with greater glory. (The angels had to earn their
free will and were not granted this gift until they had reached the
archangelic level.)
In his disobedience and sense of injustice, Lucifer
rebelled against the children of God and vowed enmity against them,
against Christ and against their Christ potential. In his fall and
rebellion, he took a third of the angels of heaven with him. These
fallen ones continue to stalk the earth in every field, tempting souls
away from their original destiny to be Christ. They know that the
soul is not immortal until she has achieved permanent reunion with
God through the alchemical marriage and ascension in the light. They
know that each time we commit errors, we become entrapped by our own
free will choice and its subsequent karma. This is why Moses pleaded
with the children of God to choose life, not death.
Heavenly Helpers
The many beings in heaven who did not fall, and vowed
to help mankind find their way home through Christ-consciousness.
These heavenly beings are the angels, archangels, seraphim, cherubim,
cosmic beings, and elohim of God. Some of these beings, and many,
many angels chose to incarnate on earth to rescue the souls of their
brothers and sisters who had become mesmerized by the fallen ones
and lost their way.
Over time, some of these divine helpers also became
ensnared, while others ascended home to God. Those who gained mastery
in the physical plane and made it home left footprints in the sands
of time for others to follow. Our Father-Mother God sent avatars
in every age, like Hermes, Osiris, Sri Magra, Sanat Kumara, Gautama
Buddha, Zarathustra and Jesus, to show us the way, the truth and the
life unto the path of the ascension.
Balancing your
There are a number of initiations that a soul must
pass before she can earn her ascension in the light. One of the most
important requirements is the balancing of personal karma. In past
centuries, a person had to balance 100 percent of their karma to qualify
for the ascension. In this century, the Lords of Karma accorded mankind
a new dispensation, whereby we can make our ascension with only 51
percent of our personal karma balanced.
Even so, balancing karma is still a challenge. For
this reason, the ascended master Saint Germain sponsored the outer
teaching of the violet flame. The violet flame is an alchemical tool
that was known by adepts in ancient mystery schools and that Jesus
taught his disciples. Until now, it had not been made public in a
massive way like we find today. This is truly an extraordinary dispensation.
The violet flame is the seventh ray of God. It is
an aspect of the Holy Spirit that actually transmutes negative karma
back to its original pristine essence of light. The masters have explained
that with diligent application to the violet flame, by giving at least
fifteen minutes a day of violet flame invocations, decrees and mantras,
you can balance on average one percent of your karma per year. They
have also explained that to be magnetized to this teaching, a person
must have balanced at least 25 percent of their karma. This effectively
means that if students of the light dedicate their life to serving
others and diligently invoke the violet flame, they can earn their
ascension within a quarter of a century, a stupendous dispensation
for the soul. Find out
more about the violet flame and join us in giving fifteen minutes
of violet flame each day.
The Sponsoring Master
Another important assistance is that of the sponsoring
master. We must choose a sponsoring master by studying his teachings,
his service to life and his incarnations on earth. The ascended master
explained to students of Theosophy that to earn sponsorship by a master,
we commune with the master each day and do good works in that master's
Having a sponsoring master helps us balance our karma
more quickly. Kuthumi explained that the master takes on between 88
and 92 percent of our personal karma and then gives us world karma
to carry in his name through world service. World karma is easier
to balance than personal karma because it is less personal to us.
With the help of our master, the sooner we balance our personal karma,
the sooner we can pursue our dharma, our life mission.
Pursuing the Dharma
Fulfilling your dharma or reason for being is the
next requirement of the ascension. Your soul has a divine plan and
gift to life that no one else can deliver in the same way. Your Holy
Christ Self, through your sponsoring master, can assist you in finding
your way and fulfilling your mission. You can fully embrace right
livelihood and leave footprints in the sand for others to follow.
Balancing your
Threefold Flame
In the secret chamber of your heart abides God's
threefold flame. It is a spiritual fire that sustains your heartbeat.
It is God in manifestation within you. Your threefold flame carries
the virtue and essence of divine love as the pink plume, of divine
wisdom as the yellow plume, and of divine power as the blue plume.
Over many lifetimes, your soul made choices through
past life personalities that contributed to an imbalance in your threefold
flame, whereby one plume is shorter than the other two. People experience
a shorter blue plume as a challenge in getting things done. People
experience a shorter yellow plume as difficulties in acquiring wisdom.
People who experience a shorter pink plume find it harder to love
others. In order to make our ascension, we need to balance these three
aspects of self and anchor the fullness of divine love, wisdom and
When the three plumes come into balance within the
heart, our entire psychology changes and our four lower bodies become
aligned with the blueprint of our Christ self. Our thoughts, feelings
and actions become qualified with Christ-discrimination and we are
no longer slaves to our negative thoughts, inordinate desires, and
human programming. We start to anchor the fullness of our God-reality.
We begin to experience the currents of the resurrection flame that
Jesus spoke of when he said, “I AM the resurrection and the
life.” We become adepts.
© Marius Michael George
The Greatest of these is Love
Ultimately, the path of the ascension is a path of
service and love. The masters have described this journey as the ruby-ray
path of the saints, which is one of sacrifice, service, selflessness
and surrender to a higher purpose. We know we can no longer serve
both God and mammon. We determine to cast our lot in with the immortals
and to bear the flame of freedom unto our victory. We understand that
if we forgive men their trespasses, so shall our Heavenly Father forgive
Jesus said of Mary Magdalene, “She was forgiven
much because she loved much.” So it is for us. In the footsteps
of the saints of East and West, we walk the path of love and anchor
the fullness of what Saint Teresa of Avila wrote:
Christ has no body now on earth but yours, no hands
but yours, no feet but yours.
Yours are the eyes through which his compassion is to look out to
the world.
Yours are the feet with which he is to do good.
And yours are the hands with which he is to bless us now.
for the Ascension
Elizabeth Clare Prophet describes the moment at which
a soul qualifies to become a candidate for the ascension. In the book,
The Masters and the Retreats, we read:
Bey periodically review the records of chelas of many of the ascended
masters serving earth's evolutions. When any of the students have manifested
a certain alchemy of attainment, Serapis apprises the Keeper
of the Scrolls and other ascended masters at Luxor that these individuals
may receive the mark as candidates for the ascension. This marking is
a white fleur-de-lys, an insignia that is a focus of the white fire
of the ascension flame.
This insignia is recognized by all of the ascended hosts, angels and
elementals, and the one who has earned this insignia receives an extraordinary
assistance from the members of the Great White Brotherhood. All who
are in the octaves of Spirit go out of their way to watch and to pray
for those who are making their way ont he path of the ascension. There
are candidates for the ascension in many of the nations of earth, and
most are connected either with the disciplines of the way of Christ
or the disciplines of the way of the buddha—two paths above all
others that provide an outline for right living and walking with God.”
more Descriptions About the Ascension