God so loved the world that in every age, he sent forth his beloved
Son as the incarnation of the Logos, as the incarnation of the Word.
These are the avatars, the world saviors who come to lead mankind
back to higher consciousness. These are the way showers who fully
embody the Christ consciousness of the Son of God and remind God's
children of their original spiritual estate and divine destiny.
The word avatar comes from the Sanskrit root “avatara”
which means descent, or crossing over from Spirit to earth. There
have been many avatars on earth. Around each of these avatars, new
spiritual understandings developed which eventually shaped a religious
Sanat Kumara
The ultimate example of the avatar is found in the story
of Sanat Kumara,
who descended to earth with 144,000 volunteers to help save the planet.
the story and watch
the video of this cosmic epic.
©Marius Michael George
Ancient Egyptian Mysteries and Hermes Mercurius Trismegistus
In the book, Ancient Mystic Rites, C. W. Leadbeater affirms,
based on clairvoyant investigation, that following the first sinking
of Atlantis in 75,025 BC, Atlantean conquerors from the island of
Poseidinis came to Egypt and built the great pyramids. Then about
40,000 BC, the world-teacher avatar Thoth was born, later called Hermes
by the Greeks. Hermes/Thoth came to teach the doctrine of the inner
Light, the universal Light that dwells in the heart of every man.
The Egyptians gave him the name Trismegistus, which
means “thrice great” in his role as philosopher, priest
and king. Referred to as the father of alchemy, he teaches the hermetic
principles that “what is below is like that which is above,
and what is above is like that which is below.” According to
legend, these principles were inscribed on an emerald tablet found
in his tomb, along with profound alchemical formulas.
In that incarnation, Hermes explained that man's
destiny is to become one with Osiris, the universal Father, who is
both a brilliant sun the heavens, and the light in our heart. Isis,
the counterpart of Osiris, is Mother of all life and the universal
feminine principle expressed in nature. She is also a very lofty being
of whom was written, “I am that which is, which hath been, and
which shall be; and no man has ever lifted the veil that hides my
divinity from mortal eyes.”
Together, Isis and Osiris give birth to Horus, the
archetypal Christ figure who comes to restore the body of God. Akin
to the ancient Kabbalistic teaching of Adam Kadmon, the original man
whose body was broken, likewise, Horus redeems the fragments of Osiris
scattered over the earth. This is the fragmented body of God that
must be healed and restored to the Divine Mother. In so doing, Horus
redeems Isis from her long search for the fragments of Osiris, which
is the very purpose of every avatar. Isis helps restore the body of
Osiris, who is then resurrected by the gods.
Hermes is an ascended master who is also known as
God Mercury. He serves in the Retreat
of Arabia and teaches that the emerald tablet can be found in
the secret chamber of every heart, revealed to the soul by the Holy
Christ self. He calls us to expand the fires of the heart and overcome
all forms of hardness of heart, transmuting them into love. Hermes
also sponsors and overshadows souls who were once initiates on the
planet Mercury and fought for the victory of light there, then served
with Sanat
Kumara and presently dwell on earth. These Mercurians have the
ability to anchor the mind of God and disseminate truth with sword
and pen.
Orpheus and the Ancient
Greek Mysteries
The original founder of the Greek mysteries was Orpheus. Orpheus was
also the incarnation of the world-teacher who had come to the Egyptians
as Thoth/Hermes. Leadbeater describe him in the book Ancient Mystic
“About 7000 BC, he came, living chiefly in the forests, where
he gathered his disciples around him. There was no king to bid him
welcome, no gorgeous court to acclaim him. He came as a singer, wandering
through the land, loving the life of nature, her sunlit spaces and
her shadowed forest retreats, averse to cities and to the crowded
haunts of men. A band of disciples grew around him, and he taught
them in the glades of woodland, silent save for the singing of the
birds and the sweet sounds of forest life, that seemed not to break
the stillness.
He taught by song, by music, music of voice and instrument,
probably the origin of Apollo's Lyre, and he used a pentatonic scale.
To this he sang, and wondrous was his music, the angels drawing nigh
to listen to the subtle tones; by sound he worked upon the astral
and mental bodies of his disciples, purifying and expanding them;
by sound he drew the subtle bodies away from the physical and set
them free in the higher worlds. The rousing of each etheric center
had its own melody, stirring it into activity. He showed his disciples
living pictures, created by music. And he taught that sound was in
all things, and that if man would harmonize himself, then would the
divine harmony manifest through him, making all nature glad.”
Leadbeater teaches in Medieval times, the mysteries
of the Druids can be traced back to Orpheus, where the lyre of Apollo
becomes the harp of Angus, and the beauty of God through music expands
throughout Britain.
Orpheus taught that Dionysus was the logos. Like
Osiris, his body was slain and torn into fragments, then later resurrected
from the dead. Orpheus taught that Dionysis symbolized the descent
of the One Spirit into many human forms, as well as the destined ascent
of the many back into the One. This ascent back to oneness with the
Logos is fulfilled through a path of suffering and sacrifice.
Jesus, who was fully Christ identified and one with
the Logos, presented this mystery to his disciples when he said, “This
is my body which is broken for you.” He then anchored the fullness
of this inner teaching by exemplifying it physically, rather than
metaphorically, having offered his being to experience a physical
crucifixion, followed by a physical resurrection.
and the Ancient Persian Mysteries
According to Leadbeater, the World Savior who incarnated
as Thoth and Orpheus, also incarnated as the first Zarathustra in
Persia in 29,700 BC. He taught of Mithra, captain of the hosts of
God and savior of mankind, and he taught of Ahura Mazda, the Mithraic
name for Sanat Kumara, his guru. As with Jesus, the sacrament taught
by Zarathustra consisted of bread, wine and salt, and was consecrated
as a solemn ceremony, similar to the way in which we celebrate holy
communion today.
Zarathustra then incarnated around 1000 BC, as prophet
and avatar.His main objective was to eradicate evil. He came forth
with the vision, the anointing and the sacred fire of Ahura Mazda,
and converted King Vishtaspa and Queen Hutaosa to the message of his
guru. He taught the law of karma and reincarnation, and waged warfare
against evil ones through the hand of the archangels.
Zarathustra is now an ascended being who holds the
office in spiritual hierarchy of Initiate of the Sacred Fire. He is
the highest initiate of the sacred fire on this planet, and he governs
the energies of fohat, which is the power of the sound that comes
through the mantra. As an ascended master, Zarathustra presides over
the priests of the sacred fire and the priesthood of Melchizedek.
Elizabeth Clare Prophet writes of him,
“Today Zarathustra is an ascended master whose
consciousness bears an auric emanation of fire that is an all-consuming
love, a piercing light that goes to the core of whatever is unreal.
Being in the presence of Zarathustra is like being in the presence
of the physical sun itself. The mastery he has of spiritual fire and
physical fire is, if not the highest, among the highest of any adept
ascended from this planet. If you want to keep the flame of Zarathustra,
visualize him keeping the flame, the divine spark in your own heart.
He is the greatest 'fire-tender' of them all, if you will. And when
you call to him, remember that you are engaged in the battle of light
and darkness and you give your call for the binding of the forces
of antichrist, there is no greater devourer of the dark forces than
Zarathustra himself. He is an ascended master with buddhic attainment
whose auric emanation is one of an all-consuming love.”
Ancient Hindu and Buddhist
In Hinduism, we find a number avatars who are incarnations
of Vishnu,
the divine Son, and most notably Rama and Krishna. We also have Gautama
Buddha, who was Prince Siddartha and became a chela of Sanat Kumara.
Rama is the seventh incarnation of Vishnu and most
of the details of his life come from the epic story, the Ramayana.
Here Rama is referred to as the Perfect Man, the Lord of Self-Control
and Lord of Virtue. He outpictures perfect adherence to dharma in
spite of the harsh tests of life For the sake of his father's honor,
he abandons his claim to the throne and is exiled for fourteen years
in the forest, together with his wife Sita, and brother Lakshmana.
When Sita is captured by the evil Ravana, Rama faces long and arduous
tests of his personal strength and virtue. He then fights a colossal
war against Ravana's armies, in a combat where there are powerful
and magical beings, and greatly destructive weaponry and battles.
Rama eventually slays Ravana, liberates Sita and returns to be crowned
king and later, emperor. It is said that he reigns for eleven thousand
years, an era of perfect happiness, peace, prosperity and justice.
Krishna is the eighth incarnation of Vishnu and his story is told
in the Bhagavad Gita, which means, “Song of God.”
In it, Krishna describes himself as “the Lord of all that breathes”
and the “Lord who abides within the hearts of all beings.”
He explains that, “When goodness grows weak, when evil increases,
my spirit arises on earth. In every age I come back to deliver the
holy, to destroy the sin and the sinner, to establish righteousness.”
Krishna embodies all of the divine personalities, the frolicking,
mischievous child, Gopala, who loves to steal butter; the wooer of
souls and lover of shepherdesses who draws them with the sound of
his flute; and the friend and counselor to the mighty warrior Arjuna.
In a dictation through Elizabeth Clare Prophet, Krishna
explained that we can call to him to help heal our inner child and
visualize his presence healing that child at whatever age the trauma
took place. He wants us to know and to affirm that there is no reality
but God, that only God is real, and that God will place himself over
us and heal us through his personification as Lord Krishna.
Gautama Buddha
The story of Prince Siddartha who becomes the avatar,
Gautama, is beautifully depicted in the movie, Little Buddha.
Gautama was born in the sixth century BC as a prince. As a young man,
having been confronted with sin, disease and death, he renounces his
throne and leaves his wife and family. He pursues enlightenment in
order to break the wheel of karma, death and rebirth. During his exile,
Gautama discovers the middle way and rejects ascetism, and all forms
of fanaticism. Sitting under the Bo tree, he finally reaches full
spiritual awakening, but first, he must defeat evil in all of its
forms. These are the five senses, personified as the five seductive
daughters of Mara, then the terrifying armies of Mara, and finally
coming face to face and discarding his self-identification with the
human ego personality, the “architect.”
This initiation is akin to the Greek teaching about
Persephone and Narcissus, a metaphor for the soul, its redemption
and enlightenment. Narcissus, a man of great beauty, is so attracted
by his own reflection in a pool of water that he falls in the pool
and drowns, after which he was changed by the gods into a beautiful
flower. The flower is white and yellow, anchoring within its elemental
essence the promise of the soul purified through illumination and
the path of immortality.
Persephone, symbol of our soul, stoops to pick the flower of narcissus
and is carried away by Desire into the underworld, where she must
spend half of her existence, incarnation after incarnation, until
she is finally redeemed. Likewise, the soul, though not originally
immersed in the illusionary construct of matter, becomes enmeshed
because she is beguiled by the lower personality. Still, the divine
seed remains and springs forth as the flower of the Gods and the potential
for the soul to redeem her immortality. The spell Persephone is under
is the spell Buddha breaks when he exposes the architect of his own
delusion and becomes enlightened. In so doing, he leaves a record
in the sands of time for every soul to pattern after.
In that moment, Gautama affirms, “I AM awake,"
and becomes the buddha. He spends forty-nine days in deep meditation
and rapture, and discovers the four noble truths, the overcoming of
desire, and the eightfold path to enlightenment. As Buddha sets out
to teach, Mara confronts him one last time:
“How can your experience be translated into
words? Return to Nirvana. Do not try to deliver your message to the
world, for no one will comprehend it. Remain in bliss!”
“There will be some who will understand,”
Buddha replies, vanquishing Mara from his life forever.
Gautama Buddha serves as Lord of the World, in the
footsteps of his guru, Sanat Kumara. His retreat is the Western
Shamballa. At inner levels, he sustains the threefold flame of
God's light in every heart by a filigree light extending from his
heart. He maintains that contact until the individual soul can rise
from the seat-of-the-soul chakra into the secret chamber of the heart
and the divine spark by her own attainment, wedded to her Holy Christ
Self. In a dictation on December 31, 1983 published by The Summit
Lighthouse, Gautama explained,
“Therefore, all receive the boost of my heart
flame and impetus. And as that light passes through me from the Godhead,
I therefore perceive many things about you and your everyday life
that you might think beyond mention or notice of a Lord of the World,
who must be indeed, very, very busy. Well, indeed I am! But I am never
too busy to notice the elements of the path presented by parents and
in families and communities and in the schoolrooms of life everywhere.
For I make it my business to see to it that some element of the path
of initiation, moving toward the heart of Jesus and Maitreya, is a
part of the life of every growing child.”
Jesus, Avatar
of the Piscean Age
Like Buddha, Jesus came to show mankind the way,
the truth and the life, which is the divine presence of the I AM THAT
I AM ensconced in every heart. He came to remind us that we are all
Sons and Daughters of God and that like, him, we can conquer death
and hell, fulfill our mission and ascend home to God. He came to teach
us how to walk a path of personal Christhood and become the Christ.
This, he affirmed when he said, “These things shall ye do, and
greater things, because I go unto my Father.”
Jesus had many embodiments before his Galilean mission,
which ultimately prepared him for his magnificent service. He first
came to earth with sanat Kumara, then reigned as emperor and high
priest over a golden age civilization on Atlantis, and as Rai at a
later point in her history. He was also embodied throughout the old
Testament as Abel, brother of Cain; Joseph, son of Jacob; Joshua,
who fought the battle of Jericho; King David, who built the temple
in Jerusalem; and Elisha, pupil of Elijah. You can read more about
his embodiments in the book, The Masters and Their Retreats.
master Orion describes a vision that he was given of the birth
of Jesus, prior to his own ascension, from the book, The Great
White Brotherhood in the Culture, History and Religion of America:
“And my own guru upon that holy night came
with a visitation of the birth of the Manchild; and I saw the Christ
being born, and I saw the record of the descent of the soul of Jesus
into that form. Even as I had risen from my body temple to experience
planes of cuasal bodies, so I saw how the soul of the Avatar of the
age had descended from his own starry body into form. And so I saw
the cycles of life ascending and descending, and souls upon the ladder
reaching for the stars.”
In his final incarnation, Jesus was trained in the
mystical traditions of Judaism, Egypt and India. His parents, Mary
and Joseph, were members of the mystical Essene community, and Jesus
learned of Jewish mysticism from birth. As a child growing up in Egypt,
he applied to the hierophant of Egypt and received initiations in
the Great pyramid. Then, at age twelve, he left on a caravan for India,
where he remained for twelve years, learning from Hindu sages and
teaching the people. This is well chronicled in the documentary, Jesus
in India. Jesus returned to Palestine, called his disciples and
trained them in these ancient mysteries, and in the working of miracles.
Jesus demonstrated all of the points of spiritual
law. He fully embodied the mantra, “I AM the resurrection and
the life.” He learned how to expand the threefold flame within
his heart until it enveloped his entire aura and intensified into
the resurrection flame. This mastery allowed him to perform wondrous
miracles that pierced the limitations of time and space. He could
walk on water, turn water into wine, heal the sick, raise the dead,
multiply the loves and fishes, disappear from their midst and much
more. As his apostle John testified, “There are also many other
things which Jesus did, the which, if they should be written every
one, I suppose that even the world itself could not contain the books
that should be written.”
The greatest miracle of all was his physical victory
over death and hell. Jesus willingly surrendered to the initiation
of a physical crucifixion, and then reignited his own threefold flame
in the heart, which resurrected his body. In so doing, he left a record
for all time of the appointed victory of every Son and Daughter of
God over death and hell.
As an ascended master, Jesus serves with Mother Mary
and Kuthumi in the office of World Teacher. He also serves in the
Arabian Retreat
and in the Resurrection
Temple over the Holy Land. He teaches us to live a vibrant life
that will convey the fire of his heart to all of life. Thus, he calls
us to be his disciples and apostles, as instruments and conveyers
of his light, which is the same light that lighteth every man that
come into the world. Find out more about how you can walk in Jesus'
footsteps on our website dedicated
to anchoring your Christ consciousness. Watch
a video about Jesus here and bid him enter your heart today.