There are innumerable buddhas in heaven, which spring forth from the
Adibuddha, the self-emanating, self-originating primordial Buddha,
before which was not anything that was made.
Buddha is a term that means that the master has
attained buddhic consciousness and full integration with the three
higher bodies-the Christ Self, the I AM Presence and the Causal Body.
Buddhists call these levels of spiritual attainment the Nirmanakaya,
the Sambhokaya, and the Dharmakaya.
There are many masters in heaven, as well as some
unascended masters, who have attained to buddhic consciousness. In
the listing below, you will find masters who are known in their role
and service to life as buddhas, even though they often occupy other
offices in spiritual hierarchy as well. We also honor the masters
who have taken the bodhisattva vow, even if their service is not described
on this page. Many masters who work with earth's evolution are bodhisattvas
and have pledged to remain with the earth until every last child of
God becomes spiritually free and ascends into the light.
Five Dhyanni Buddhas
Vairochana, Akshobya, Ratnasambhava, Amitabha, Amogassidhi
The Five Dhyanni Buddhas are celestial buddhas with
tremendous power, transcendent beings who that are conduits for universal
divine forces. They work together as a mandala and bring us the mastery
of the secret rays within the secret chamber of the heart. They come
to help us over come the five poisons with a specific spiritual antidote.
The Buddha Vairochana brings to us the all pervading
wisdom of the dharmakaya within our higher self to consume the poison
of ignorance. His name means, “he who is like the sun”
and his mantra is Om Vairochana Om.
The Buddha Akshobhya grants us mirror-like wisdom
that consumes hatred in all of its forms. His name means “the
unmovable or unshakeable”" and his mantra is Om Akshobya
The Buddha Ratnasambhava intensifies the wisdom of
equality to help us overcome the poison of spiritual, intellectual
and human pride. His name means the “jewel-born one” and
his mantra is Om Ratnasambhava Tram.
The Buddha Amitabha floods us with discriminating
wisdom that consumes the poisons of the passions, all cravings, covetousness,
greed and lust. His name means “Infinite Light” and his
mantra is Om Amitabha Hrih.
The Buddha Amoghasiddhi bestows all-accomplishing wisdom, the wisdom
of perfect action that consumes the poisons of envy and jealousy.
His name means “almighty conqueror” and his mantra is
Om Amoghasiddhi Ah.
The spokesperson for the Five Dhyanni Buddhas is
Vajrasattva, who is the synthesis of all of their qualities. Vajrasattva's
name means “diamond nature” and he anchors within us the
diamond will of God that overcomes fear, doubt and non-belief in God.
He is seated on the lotus in the secret chamber of our heart as a
golden buddha. Vajrasattva serves on the karmic
board, anchoring the wisdom and the assistance of all of the Dhyannhi
Buddhas. His mantra is Om Vajrasattva Hum.
Buddha of the
Ruby Ray
The Buddha of the Ruby Ray has the intense mastery
of divine love. He abides in the heart of the earth, and has done
so since the days of Shamballa. He holds the nucleus of the planet
through divine love, until earth's people have embodied enough fiery
love that they can hold that spiritual balance by their own attainment.
Many ruby ray angels serve with the buddha of the Ruby Ray and would
assist us in overcoming harmful lifestyle choices, including poor
diets, harmful music and the saturation of the mind with entities.
These fiery angels maintain a cave of ruby light in the heart of the
earth beneath the Royal Teton Ranch in Montana, on the borders of
Yellowstone National Park.
Lord Maitreya
Lord Maitreya is known as the “Coming Buddha,”
and the “Great Initiator.” He holds the office in spiritual
hierarchy of Cosmic Christ and Planetary Buddha. Guardian to the earth
from Venus, he succeeded Gautama Buddha as Cosmic Christ on January
1, 1956. During a ceremony held at the Royal Teton Retreat, Gautama
Buddha assumed the office of Lord of the World, that had been held
by Sanat Kumara since the days
of Shamballa.
Maitreya maintains a retreat
over Tientsin China, as well as a
retreat in the Himalayan mountains, from where he monitors potential
earth changes. He keeps track of the activities of fallen angels and
how these are offset by progress of incarnated Christed ones.
Maitreya is the sponsor of twin flames and initiates
souls in the path of personal Christhood. He was the teacher of Jesus
and initiated him for the crucifixion and the resurrection. He was
also the guru and presence of God in the Garden of Eden, which was
actually a mystery school of the Great White Brotherhood on Lemuria,
near where San Diego is today. Lord Maitreya would teach us the kindness
and compassion of the bodhisattva path. He reestablished a mystery
school at inner levels at the Royal Teton Ranch, where he initiates
souls in overcoming the serpentine ways of the fallen ones who led
Eve astray. His victory manifests as the children of God follow the
path of personal Christhood in the footsteps of Jesus and are blessed
with the fullness of spiritual regeneration.
Manjusri is a great Buddha who is known as the Bodhisattva
of Wisdom, and the patron of arts, sciences, communication and astrology.
His name in Sanskrit means “sweet glory.” As master of
eloquence and Lord of speech, Manjushri teaches us how to become one
with the mind of God, and how to become more effective in our delivery
of the Word. We can also call to him to help develop our wisdom, memory
and understanding of the scriptures.
Manjushri imparts to us the momentum of practicality,
effective planning and accelerated doing. He helps us overcome stress
by learning to do things God's way, rather than in a human way. He
helps us find balance as we engage in accelerated service, by manifesting
kindness. Manjushri also helps us break the patterns of self-condemnation
imprinted from the fallen ones, and he bestows a sense of humor that
keeps us from taking ourselves or our problems too seriously. His
mantras propel us beyond the illusion of duality into the reality
of our Real Self. They strengthen us in our mission to be lamplighters
to earth, giving to many the gift of enlightenment.
Mother of the World
The Mother of the World is a timeless office in hierarchy
of one who gives birth to the buddhas. She is the Mother of the Buddhas,
who comes to renew the mother flame on earth through each and every
one of her children. Her mantra, Gate Gate Paragate Parasamgate
Bodhi Svaha leads us beyond enlightenment.
At the turn of the twentieth century, Helena Roerich,
amanuensis for the master Morya, proclaimed the mission of the Mother
of the World in this age. Discover more about her on our website dedicated
to the Mother of the World
and watch a video
Padma Sambhava
Padma Sambhava was the founder of Tibetan Buddhism,
in the lineage of the great Buddhas Sanat Kumara, Gautama Buddha,
Lord Maitreya and Jesus. His name means “lotus-born one.”
Padma Sambhava was sent by Gautama Buddha to be the incarnation of
the Buddha so that all beings might have the hope of becoming that
Buddha as well. While he was living, he initiated Yeshe Tsogyal and
a circle of twenty-four disciples in the mysteries, and codification
of his teaching. He predicted these twenty-five disciples would reembody
as tertons, to discover, interpret and reveal these esoteric treasures
in a future time.
Padma Sambhava's golden mantra, Om Ah Hum Vajra Guru Padme Siddhi
Hum, is used to avert great darkness. When given thirty-three
times, it ushers the soul's ascent into the secret chamber of the
heart. Most especially, it expands our love in the face of the most
intense anger, hatred, pride, passion, ambition, fear, death and darkness
projected against the inner Buddha, helping us conquer these energies.
Padma Sambhava tutors us in the path of service to life as we bear
the light of Christ in preparation for our ascension. He initiates
us on the spiritual path until we can fully abide in the presence
of Jesus, without offending the master or being offended by the master.
He helps us to heal our soul from the illness of rancor, resentment
and bitterness towards life, transmuting these emotional and mental
attitudes into forgiveness, love and gratitude for life's opportunities.
He teaches us to give freely so that we might satisfy the Great Law
and expands our auric field. He also encourages us to invoke the violet
flame daily, that many souls might receive a spiritual boost and
spin from the transmutation of records of karma.
of Christmas