The term chohan in Sanskrit means “Lord of
the dharma,” which is the sacred labor. Chohans are ascended
masters who look after the activities of mankind under a particular
ray, color and vibration of God. Each serves in an etheric retreat
and administers one or more gifts of the Holy Spirit to mankind. We
come to know much about their flame and service as we study their
incarnations on earth and the footprints they have left for us to
El Morya
The master El Morya, affectionately known to his students as “Bapu,”
is the chohan of the first ray of God's will, which is blue in color
and vibration. His musical keynote is Pomp and Circumstance, the music
that is played for every presidency and graduation. Morya wears a
blue cape lined with the pink color of love. He administers the gifts
of the Holy Spirit that are faith in God's will and the word of wisdom.
His retreat
is in Darjeeling, where he serves as chief of the Darjeeling Council
of the Great White Brotherhood. He has a secondary retreat
over El Capitan, a rock formation that faces Mount Half Dome in
Yosemite National Park. He also tends a planet in another solar system
called Excelsior, where he nurtures lifewaves of souls who have not
been corrupted by the fall of the angels. This brings him great comfort
and a reprieve, especially when tried by the intense challenges that
are so prevalent on earth.
Morya was embodied as the son of Enoch, as a devotee of Zarathustra,
and as the master mason for the Great Pyramid. He was also Abraham,
the patriarch of Judaism, Christianity and Islam, and Melchior, one
of the three wise men. He was embodied as King Arthur, Thomas Becket,
Sir Thomas More, Akbar the Great, and the Irish poet Thomas Moore.
In his final embodiment, he served as a Rajput prince who later became
a monk. Lifetime after lifetime, El Morya demonstrated his utmost
devotion to the will of God. As Abraham, he was willing to sacrifice
his son Isaac when tested. As Becket and Sir Thomas More, he was willing
to be executed for higher principle. As Akbar, he anchored a great
momentum of uniting the spiritual paths of the world, and as Thomas
Moore, he expanded the pink flame of God's love and creativity through
After his ascension in 1898, El Morya sponsored Nicholas and Helena
Roerich to found Agni Yoga, H.P. Blavatsky to found the theosophical
teachings, Geraldine Innocente to found the Bridge to Freedom, and
Mark and Elizabeth Clare Prophet to found The Summit Lighthouse. Morya
pledged the diamond of his attainment as collateral so that seekers
of truth could find these teachings. Only when enough lightbearers
reconnect with their spiritual source and apply this understanding
will Morya get his diamond back from the Karmic
Board, which one student lovingly described as the “cosmic
pawn shop.”
Morya trains chelas in anchoring the will of God from his retreat
in Darjeeling. Darjeeling is like spiritual boot camp, and until you
graduate from the disciplines of that retreat, you cannot be taken
on by another chohan or sponsoring master. Morya explains that the
will of God is like the spiritual skin that we wear. Without developing
the blue lining of the power of goodwill, we cannot make progress
on the spiritual path. Nevertheless, behind El Morya's strict discipline
shines a twinkle of mirth and the great, great love for all of God's
children and their opportunity fulfilled.
As the chief of the Darjeeling Council, Morya serves with ascended
masters and unascended chelas to bring about the will of God in the
affairs of nations. El Morya is also a master of communication who
serves Gemini shining mind of God of the solar
hierarchies. He trains his students in expressing God's Word and
God's Will through every media.
Dictating through Elizabeth Clare Prophet, El Morya explains what
it takes to become his chela. He says, “Constancy is the key
virtue that I must have in those who truly desire to be one with me.
If I would train you personally, beloved, I must have from you unflinching
constancy whereby you maintain a steady level of absorption of the
blue flame of the will of God and thus enter day by day into the sacred
fire of the first ray. You must be willing to take any rebuke, any
correction, to take it swiftly and then swiftly self-correct. You
must have a must have a momentum on giving the decrees to the ascended
masters who serve principally on the blue ray. I tell you, beloved,
when you keep yourself saturated in the blue ray and you are alert
to every out-of-step state of mind that you might even consider entertaining,
you will find that I shall become your champion. Once I become the
champion of a chela, I will work with that chela to the end”
One helpful way to anchor El Morya's presence in your life and build
a relationship with him is to meditate for fifteen minutes each day
on his picture, while offering sincere prayers for God's will, sharing
your concerns, fears, and hurts as well as your hopes, aspirations,
commitments and dreams.
Lord Lanto
Lord Lanto is the chohan of the second ray of God's
wisdom and illumination, which is yellow in color and vibration. He
administers the gift of the Holy Spirit that are the word of knowledge.
Lord Lanto is dedicated to the Christ illumination of all mankind,
and especially to the youth. His retreat
is at the Grand Teton, where tens of thousands of souls attend
classes to accelerate their consciousness for as incoming golden age
of Aquarius. In the Royal Teton Retreat, Lord Lanto amplifies the
flame of precipitation that is gold tinged with green and has contributed
to the can-do spirit, technological advances and abundant life of
the American people.
Lanto came to earth with Sanat Kumara and was a high
priest in a temple on Lemuria. He also embodied in ancient China as
the Yellow Emperor, and was a role model for Confucius. Before making
his ascension, Lanto determined that the threefold flame in his heart
should be seen physically by his disciples. He so devoted himself
to this nobel goal that the soft, golden glow of the flame shone through
his chest. As an ascended master, Lanto has worked tirelessly to help
Saint Germain disseminate the teachings of the ascended masters. He
also placed a transcendent golden flame of illumination over many
of the colleges and the universities of the world, to quicken students
to a higher wisdom.
Paul the Venetian
Paul the Venetian is the chohan of the third ray
of God's love and creativity, which is pink in color and vibration.
He administers the gift of the Holy Spirit that is the discerning
of spirits. His retreat is the Chateau
de la Liberte in Southern France. He also serves at the Goddess
of Liberty's retreat over Manhattan and maintains a focus of the
liberty flame within the forcefield of the Washington Monument.
Paul the Venetian served as head of cultural affairs
on Atlantis. He established a liberty flame in Peru, where he was
later reembodied as an Incan artist who used paints that did not fade.
He incarnated in Egypt and helped build the pyramids as a master mason.
Then, in his final embodiment in the 16th century as Paolo Veronese,
he sought to bring forth beauty as a powerful catalyst for enlightenment
through his exquisite paintings. This includes the famous “Marriage
at Cana” that is displayed in the Louvre, made of most brilliant
hues that have not faded over time.
As an ascended master, Paul the Venetian serves
to bring forth the beauty of ascended master culture into human realms.
His maxim is “Perfect love casteth out fear.” He sponsors
artists who strive to bring forth beauty through their art and teaches
students of the light how to paint a spiritualized self-portrait when
they attend his etheric retreat. Paul the Venetian is a great teacher
of love, generosity, tenderness, gentleness and compassion toward
all life. He helps us to expand the fires of the heart.
Serapis Bey
Serapis Bey, known as the great disciplinarian, is
the chohan of the fourth ray of God's purity, discipline and ascension
fire, which is white in color and vibration. The white fire is the
light of God as Mother and the spiritual impetus behind architecture
and mathematics. Serapis Bey trains candidates for the ascension and
his keynote is the Triumphal March from Aida. He administers the gift
of the Holy Spirit that is the working of miracles. His retreat
is the etheric counterpart of the Temple of Luxor, in Egypt.
Serapis came from Venus with Sanat Kumara. He was a priest in the
Ascension Temple on Atlantis and carried that flame to Luxor before
Atlantis sank. Serapis was the architect of the Great Pyramid, carving
in stone the record of the path of initiation. He was also embodied
as the Pharoah Amenhotep III, the father of Ikhnaton and a great ruler
who sponsored the construction of the temple at Luxor. Serapis later
incarnated as the Spartan King Leonidas, who led three hundred men
at Thermopylae against the massive invading Persian army, effectively
saving Western Civilization. Then, he came back as the Athenian sculptor
Phidias, who built the Parthenon and placed within it a forty-foot-high
gold and ivory statue of Pallas Athena. Phidias also constructed a
hugely magnificent gold and ivory statue of Zeus for the temple of
After his ascension, Serapis was attributed with
many healings and miracles. To the Greeks and the Egyptians, he became
the greatest of all deities and the hierophant of the Egyptian rites
of initiation that were later passed down through Freemasonry. As
an ascended master, Serapis teaches us how to raise the white light
of the Mother within our temples and sacred centers. He explains that
we ascend daily as we qualify our thoughts, feelings and actions with
the right motive and vibration. Serapis exacts great discipline from
his initiates. He has legions of Seraphim at his command and encourages
us to meditate on the seraphim to anchor the pure white brilliance
of their auras into our own.
In his book, Dossier on the Ascension, Serapis describes
the process of the ascension and the putting on of the glorified spiritual
body. He writes:
“The blood in the veins changes to liquid golden light; the
throat chakra glows with an intense blue-white light; the spiritual
eye in the center of the forehead becomes an elongated God flame rising
upward; the garments of the individual are completely consumed, and
he takes on the appearance of being clothed in a white robe—the
seamless garment of the Christ. Sometimes the long hair of the higher
mental body appears as pure gold on the ascending one; then again,
eyes of any color may become a beautiful electric blue or a pale violet.....
Lighter and lighter grows the physical form, and with the weightlessness
of helium the body begins to rise into the atmosphere, the gravitational
pull being loosened and the form enveloped by the light of the externalized
glory which man knew with the Father in the beginning before the world
was...These changes are permanent, and the ascended one is able to
take his light body with him wherever he wishes, or he may travel
without the physical body. Ascended masters can and do appear upon
earth as ordinary mortals, putting on physical garments resembling
the people of earth and moving among them for cosmic purposes. This
Saint Germain did after his ascension when he was known as the wonderman
of Europe.”
What Serapis is referring to can be seen in this
photograph of Helena Blavatsky from the late1800s, where the recently
ascended masters El Morya, Kuthumi and Dwal Kul appear in physical
form for the picture.
Like Lanto, Serapis' atttainment is such that he
could have long ago, moved on to greater cosmic service, but he has
chosen to stay with the earth out of great love for his chelas and
those who fought side by side with him at Thermopylae.
Hilarion is the chohan of the fifth ray of God's
truth, science, abundance, healing and apostleship, which is green
in color and vibration. He administers the gift of the Holy Spirit
of healing. His
retreat is over the island of Crete where he and the Brotherhood
of Truth work with doctors, scientists, researchers and lightbearers
who have become ensnared by the false doctrines of atheism, agnosticism
and skepticism.
Hilarion was a high priest in the Temple of Truth
on Atlantis and transported that flame to Greece prior to the sinking
of Atlantis. The flame of truth became the spiritual lodestone for
the Oracles of Delphi that originally rendered a great service to
the light, before becoming corrupt in later centuries. Hilarion was
also embodied as the apostle Paul who received a dramatic conversion
through Jesus that allowed him to become the greatest proselytizer
of the teachings of Christ. Because Paul had consented to the stoning
of Saint Stephen and had killed Christians before his conversion,
he could not ascend at the conclusion of that life. He reembodied
as Saint Hilarion, the great healer of Palestine, Sicily and Cyprus
who healed many people in the name of Jesus and turned back an incoming
tidal wave that would have flooded the land. Though Hilarion spent
much time in the deserts and often tried to hide out in the mountains,
the crowds pursued him. Hilarion received this gift of healing because
of the profound humility that he anchored, after having fully repented
of the pride he had manifested in his previous embodiment.
The ascended master Hilarion works with seekers of truth and all who
are called to become apostles of Christ. The musical keynote that
ties into his causal body is the song, “Onward Christian Soldiers.”
Lady Master Nada
Nada is the chohan of the sixth ray of God's peace,
ministration and service. She administers the gifts of the Holy Spirit
that are the speaking in tongues and the interpretation of tongues.
Nada serves as one of the Lords
of Karma. She has a retreat
over the Arabian Desert and another retreat
over New Bedford, Massachusetts, an etheric replica of the Temple
of Love on Atlantis where she once served.
Nada was also embodied as a lawyer on Atlantis, defending
the rights of the poor and downtrodden. In her final incarnation 2700
years ago, Nada was the youngest of a family of exceptionally gifted
children. During that lifetime, she fully expanded the love of her
heart and spiritually held the balance for her brothers and sisters,
so that they could excel. Instead of pursuing her own vocation, she
chose to assist her brethren in pursuing their sacred calling by keeping
the flame of love for them. This anonymous service became her mastery
of the pink flame of God's love, and won her the ascension.
As an ascended master, Nada helps those in professions
that serve others, including public servants, counselors at law, missionaries,
ministers, teachers, healers and psychologists. She teaches us how
to balance and expand God's threefold flame within our hearts, so
we can better keep the flame for others. Nada explains that it is
not our training and position that ultimately counts, but rather the
measure by which we love.
Nada teaches the path of the Prince of Peace. In
the Arabian Retreat, she works side by side with Jesus and trains
students to master their emotions. She teaches us to still the energies
of the solar plexus by overcoming inordinate desire. Nada is also
the sponsor of twin flames, marriage and golden age families, and
she ministers with legions of angels to the youth of the world. We
can summarize Nada's great love in this, her statement: “I give
you my love, for all else I have already given away.”
Saint Germain
Saint Germain is the hierarch of the Aquarian Age
and the chohan of the seventh ray of God's forgiveness, freedom, transmutation,
diplomacy and ritual, which is violet in color and vibration. Saint
Germain administers the gift of prophecy and his symbol is the Maltese
Cross. He has two retreats, the Cave
of Symbols in Wyoming and the Rakoczy
Mansion in Transylvania.
Saint Germain was embodied as the ruler of a golden-age civilization
in a fertile land where the Sahara now stands. He also served as high
priest in the Violet Flame Temple on Atlantis. During Old Testament
times, Saint Germain was embodied as the Prophet Samuel, messenger
of God's liberation for the Israelites. Following this, he embodied
as Joseph, the Father of Jesus, then as Saint Alban, first martyr
of Britain. He inspired the Neoplatonists at inner levels before reembodying
as the prophet Merlin in the court of King Arthur. Later, Saint Germain
came back as the philosopher and scientist Roger Bacon, then as Christopher
Columbus who against all odds, found the New World, (an embodiment
which has recently been unfairly and severely maligned and misunderstood.)
Saint Germain's final embodiment was as Francis Bacon, who authored
the Shakespearean plays.
In his great love for humanity, Saint Germain petitioned
the Lords of Karma, following his ascension, to be given a physical
body. His petition was granted and he returned as the Comte de Saint
Germain, also known as the “Wonderman of Europe” and author
of The Most Holy Trinosophia.
Known for his miraculous feats, the Comte de Saint
Germain was described by Voltaire as “the man who never dies
and who know everything.” Saint Germain attempted to bring about
a smooth transition to representative government in France and avoid
the bloodshed of the revolution, but his counsel was not heeded. Following
this, he sponsored Napoleon in an attempt to create a United States
of Europe. Napoleon and Josephine could not resist the temptation
of absolute power and used the master's sponsorship for their own
gain, which ultimately became their loss. Around the same time period,
the master turned his attention to the United States of America and
inspired the Founding Fathers in bringing forth the Declaration of
Independence and the Constitution, two documents that bear the flame
of freedom to the earth.
In the twentieth century, Saint Germain sponsored
the I AM Movement and the Keepers of the Flame Fraternity for which
he is the Knight Commander. He also pledged a portion of his attainment
as collateral so that the teaching of the violet flame could come
forth once again in an outer way. The violet flame is a tremendous
gift. It is the spiritual flame of the seventh ray that transmutes
negative karma when it is invoked, and accelerates souls on the path
of the ascension. The violet flame, which had been sealed as a secret
mystery since the days of Atlantis, is day by day becoming common
knowledge to spiritual seekers everywhere.
Saint Germain has pledged to work one-on-one with every lightbearer
who makes the determination to keep the flame of life on earth, in
memory and in the footsteps of the original keepers of the flame who
came to earth with Sanat Kumara. On May 1, 1954, Saint Germain received
the scepter of power from Sanat Kumara and the crown of authority
from Jesus to direct the consciousness of mankind for the next two
thousand years as hierarch of the Aquarian Age. Saint Germain is determined
to see to it that the Age of Aquarius will become a golden age and
he encourages his chelas around the world to generously invoke the
violet flame for
the saving of a planet and a people. Won't you join us then, each
night, in giving fifteen
minutes of violet flame decrees together in remembrance of our
Knight Commander?
Maha Chohan
The Maha Chohan is the representative of the Holy
Spirit for earth. He is also the chohan of the eighth ray, which integrates
all of the seven rays into the white light. His name means “great
lord.” The Maha Chohan bears the golden pink flame of God's
comfort. His retreat
is over the island of Sri Lanka, where he directs the activities
of the seven chohans of the rays, who serve under him. As the chohan
of the eighth ray, he expands the Flame of each of the seven rays
that merge into the pure white light of the Holy Spirit. This merging
takes place through the aperture of the golden-pink glow ray where
the energies of Christ are balanced with the energies of the Holy
Spirit. As the representative of the Holy Spirit, he works with the
seven chohans to prepare aspirants on the spiritual path to become
ready to receive the nine gifts of the Holy Spirit. The Maha Chohan
bestows the final three gifts of the Holy Spirit upon those who make
themselves ready, namely the gifts of the balanced threefold flame,
freewill and all power in heaven and earth.
The Maha Chohan was embodied as the blind poet Homer who wrote the
epic poems, the Iliad and the Odyssey. In his final
embodiment, he was a shepherd in India and the spiritual light he
quietly drew forth while tending his sheep kept the flame for millions
of souls.
The Maha Chohan and his pink-flame angels bring comfort
to all life. They work closely with the forces of nature down to the
level of the atom. They also infuse every molecule of oxygen with
the sacred fire of the Holy Spirit. The Maha Chohan is present at
the birth of every child to ignite the threefold flame when that child
takes its first breath. He is also present at the close of every life
when a person takes their last breath at the moment of transition,
and the flame of life is withdrawn. You can consciously invoke his
presence by inviting him into your temple: “Come Holy Spirit,
enlighten me. Come Holy Spirit, enter my heart.”