The ascended masters on this page have given teachings through the
I AM Activity, the Bridge to Freedom and The Summit Lighthouse.
Afra is the patron of Africa, and of the black race.
He was the first of many from the black race to make his ascension,
though from a spiritual perspective, there is no such thing as race.
Souls are noted for their attainment and for the spiritual color ray
on which they serve, not on the race through which they were embodied.
The races on earth have come from the heart of God as a path of initiation
under one of the seven rays. Those who are of the “white race”
came to master the qualities of wisdom (yellow), love (pink) and purity
(white). Those of the yellow race came to amplify the yellow ray of
wisdom. Those with redder skin were meant to amplify the qualities
of love, and the members of the black race came forth to amplify the
blue ray of God's power and the violet ray of God's freedom, both
under the auspices of the Great Divine Director. In an ancient golden
age civilization on the continent of Africa, people's skin actually
had a blue, violet or indigo hue. Since the fall of man, however,
people's skin tones reflect the karma of the race rather than the
pure rainbow colors.
Afra lived 500,000 years ago, when the fallen angels
who had invaded earth divided the people. These fallen ones set out
to destroy the blue and violet races by introducing black magic, witchcraft,
voodoo and the rhythms of voodoo and syncopated beats. Afra embodied
to save his people and told them that their point of vulnerability
was their lack of brotherhood. They had become dedicated to their
ego and were no longer their brother's keeper. Afra could see that
many people from every race were losing their threefold flame through
anger, and the only way out, was to care for one another. Afra has
lived in the hearts of his brethren for hundreds of years as they
have toiled under the burden of oppression from within and without.
he teaches that the freedom and liberty that they are truly aspiring
to can only come through the flame of the heart, calling upon God
for an acceleration of light and a purging of darkness. the initiation
then, for everyone upon earth and especially for members of the black
race is to desire to be spiritually rich over the temptations of materialism.
This does not mean that having physical means of comfort is bad. The
means to acquiring comfort can be, however. Afra wants us to call
to him to deliver his people and the youth of the world from the darkness
of the rap culture, and every downward, degenerative cultural spiral.
Alphas is the gatekeeper of the Royal
Teton Retreat, which is perhaps the most important outreach post
for the Great White Brotherhood on planet earth. Thousands of souls
travel to this retreat each night and Alphas greets them when they
arrive. Alphas says this is the highest honor and calling anyone could
have. He reminds us to make the call to be taken to the octaves of
light when we fall asleep at night. Then, when we see him, we know
that we have reached our destination.
Amen Bey
Amen Bey was a priest of the sacred fire on Atlantis
and served as a pharaoh for many embodiments, bring the culture of
the ascended masters to the land of Egypt. He serves with Serapis
in the Temple
of Luxor, and his electronic pattern is a beep blue hieroglyph
that conveys the understanding of the spiritual rebirth in Christ.
Together with his twin flame, the ascended lady master Clara Louise,
he serves the youth of the world. He also gives classes at the Royal
Teton Retreat on cosmic law, and the preparation for the ascension.
When we call upon him, he will direct needlelike rays into every cell
and atom of our four lower bodies for balancing and healing.
Ra Mu and the Brotherhood of Mount Shasta
Ra Mu is the master of the Brotherhood of Mount Shasta,
who is also known as the “master of the mountain." Ra Mu's
name means “the ray of the Mother,” and he focuses the
mother light in every devotee. The Brotherhood of Mount Shasta are
part of an ancient hierarchy of lightbearers, and priests and priestesses,
who tended the Mother Light on Lemuria before the continent sank.
As they chant AUM and other sacred chants of ancient Lemuria, they
appeal to us to invoke
the violet flame for the cleansing of the records that led to
the sinking of that continent. As we draw close to Ra Mu and the Brothers
of Mount Shasta, these masters have promised to infill us with the
joy, the Word and the integration with the Divine Mother.
In 1988, Sanat Kumara announced that the physical
retreat of the Brotherhood of Mount Shasta was withdrawn because the
fallen ones had unleashed such a tirade of darkness through their
alien individuals and spacecrafts frequenting the area. Sanat Kumara
explained that the forcefield of the retreat of the Brotherhood of
Shasta was now transferred to the Grand
Teton Retreat and to another area of the Northern Rockies.
Cha Ara
Cha Ara is the son of lady master Meta, and lived
in Persia as Meta's son. There, he produced the elixir of life and
maintained his physical body for several hundred years, before making
his ascension. Cha Ara teaches classes on healing and precipitation
at the Royal
Teton Retreat. He assists Saint Germain in guarding the destiny
of the youth of America and the world, in preparation for the incoming
seventh root
Chananda is the Chief of the Indian Council of the
Great White Brotherhood. He is the hierarch of the
Cave of Light for the Great Divine Director, and his home is the
Palace of Light,
both in the Himalayas. Chananda embodied on Lemuria and knew Jesus
during his Palestinian ministry. In The Magic Presence, Godfre
tells the story of how Chananda levitated him o a flying carpet, together
with Rex, Nada, Bob and Pearl eleven thousand feet about the valley
to enjoy the view.
Chananda works with Saint Germain, with the Indian Council and the
Darjeeling Council to assist the governments of world and usher in
a golden age system of governance based on the model of the U.S. Constitution.
He is especially concerned with the future of India and with the problems
of racial, ethnic and religious strife. He would have India return
to the peace of the Buddha and the principles of non-violence through
which she won her freedom. He teaches us how to become that pillar
of fire in the midst of conflict, and how we can emerge victorious
even when the battle rages as all around us, so long as we hold an
unswerving dedication to the light. The principle of which Chanada
speaks was demonstrated when the atomic bomb was dropped on Hiroshima
in 1945. Eight men who were living in a house eight blocks from the
blast were miraculously untouched. One of them was a priest who explained
that in that house, the rosary was prayed everyday.
The ascended lady Najah is the sister of Chananda
and they serve together in the retreats. Najah works with the youth,
and often appears as a young girl in parts of India and China, teaching
and helping the people.
Confucius is the hierarch of the Royal
Teton Retreat. He serves on the yellow ray of divine illumination
and is best remembered for the wisdom he brought to the world in his
embodiment as Confucius, China's greatest teacher. He gave us this
basic formula for families and community-building twenty-five hundred
years ago:
“The ancients who wanted to manifest enlightened
virtue in their empire first healed and brought order to their states.
Wanting to heal and bring order to their states, they first established
equanimity in their families and made them whole. Wanting to establish
equanimity in their families and make them whole, they first cultivated
themselves. Wanting to cultivate themselves, they first got themselves
in line and in tune with their hearts. Wanting to be in line and in
tune with their hearts, they first became honest with themselves and
purified their motives. Wanting to to be honest with themselves and
purify their motives, they first assimilated wisdom and put it into
practice. They assimilated wisdom and put it into practice by investigating
and reflecting upon all phenomena and culling out what was true.”
Confucius is very concerned with the direction in
which civilization is moving, as well as with the destiny of America.
He is a great proponent of divine justice.
Djwal Kul
Djwal Kul is known as the Tibetan master, or “the
Tibetan.” During his incarnations on earth, prior to the sinking
of Lemuria, he brought ancient tablets from the Motherland to the
retreats of the masters of the Himalayas. He was a disciple of Pythagoras,
a disciple of Gautama Buddha, as well as Aryasanga, the revered meditation
teacher who received direct instruction from Lord Maitreya. The masters
El Morya, Kuthumi and Djwal Kul were the three wise men who brought
gifts to the infant Christ. Djwal Kul was embodied as the wise man
Gaspar who brought the gift of myrrh, focusing the flame of love.
Kuthumi was embodied as Balthazar and brought the gift of frankincense,
a focus for God's wisdom. El Morya, who was embodied as Melchior brought
gold, focusing God's power. The three masters worked together to help
found the Theosophical Society at the end of the nineteenth century.
El Morya also told us that beginning January 6,
1998, the three kings would teach us the keys to the path of the ascension
and sponsor all who aspire to make their ascension in this life. Elizabeth
Clare Prophet explained that these three masters would help us balance
our karma, and would stay until certain key souls had made their ascension.
She said, “El Morya, Kuthumi and Djwal Kul represent the three
plumes of the threefold flame of the heart—El Morya, the blue
plume; Kuthumi, the yellow plume and Djwal Kul, the pink plume. They
come to bring our threefold flames into balance with theirs. If you
follow the three kings and the star of the Christ Child, you will
arrive at the manger scene of your own Christ potential and your own
As an ascended master, Djwal Kul teaches with Kuthumi
about the human aura. He has chosen to expand the love fires of the
heart to woo mankind in the center of Christ awareness. Djwal Kul
helps us to meditate on the secret chamber of the heart and released
a breathing exercise to expand the light of Alpha and Omega within
the aura. He also teaches the path of initiation under the
twelve solar hierarchies. Djwal Kul instructs his students in
the mysteries of divine love. He encourages us to prepare our food
with hands charged with divine love, and to bless our food, so that
when it enters our body, it creates in us a greater degree of spiritual
Djwal Kul has described himself in the following
way: “I am a brother of yours, who has traveled a little longer
upon the path than has the average student, and has therefore incurred
greater responsibilities. I am one who has wrestled and fought his
way into a greater measure of light, and I must therefore act as the
transmitter of the light, no matter what the cost. My work is to teach
and spread the knowledge of the ageless wisdom wherever I can find
a response, and I have been doing this for many years.”
The master Kuthumi serves together with Jesus as
a World Teacher. His retreat is the Temple of Illumination in Kashmir
and he is the head master of the Brothers of the Golden Robe who serve
there. the Brothers
of the Golden Robe train mankind in spiritual psychology for the
healing of the soul. Kuthumi also has a retreat
at Shigatse, Tibet with a gigantic organ patterned after the organ
in the Great Central Sun. He plays celestial music with such a tremendous
radiation that it draws souls who have passed through the change called
death up out of the astral plane and into the heavenly octaves. Kuthumi
also meets souls at the moment of their passing, and they find peace
in knowing that they have seen the face of Christ, so devoted is the
master to Jesus, his teacher and to the Christ consciousness in all
Kuthumi was embodied as the Pharaoh Thutmose III,
where he won a decisive battle with a divinely inspired strategy.
He took the lead and his men followed him, proceeding single file
through a narrow mountain pass to surprise the invading army. Kuthumi
came back as Pythagoras, who founded a mystery school art Crotona
where union with God was achieved through steadfast discipline and
the sacred understanding of mathematics through an initiatic process.
He was the magi Balthazar who came to Bethlehem to adore the Christ.
Kuthumi's devotion to Christ was expanded in his next incarnation
as Saint Francis of Assisi, serving the poor, cleansing the lepers
and rebuilding the church as a community of called out ones. Then,
Kuthumi returned as the mogul emperor Shah Jahan who managed great
wealth and created a golden age of art and architecture within the
Mogul Kingdom.
His greatest achievement was building the Taj Mahal
as a memorial to his beloved wife, who died in childbirth with their
fourteenth child. The Taj Mahal has been called the miracle of miracles
and the final wonder of the world. It stands as an adoration to the
mother light and celebrates Kuthumi's eternal love. In his final incarnation,
Kuthumi was an adept who spent considerable time in England, Germany
and Tibet and helped found the Theosophical Society. Some of Kuthumi's
letters are on file with the British Museum, and others have been
published in the Mahatma Letters through H.P. Blavatsky.
Kuthumi is known as the master psychologist and sponsors
the golden age psychology. He helps us to work out the spiritual and
emotional conditions that hold us back on the path. he has given many
teachings on how to overcome the not-self and the ego, the tyrannical
taskmasters within that oppose the soul at every turn. He teaches
us how to slay the not-self who dwells at the threshold of our conscious
awareness. Kuthumi has given us a most beautiful prayer, published
by The Summit Lighthouse, that charges and strengthens our aura with
the purity and wisdom of God.
I AM Light! Glowing Light! Radiating Light! Intensified Light!
God consumes my darkness, transmuting it into light.
This day I AM a focus of the Central Sun. Flowing through me is a
crystal river,
a living fountain of light that can never be qualified by human thought
or feeling.
I AM an outpost of the Divine. Such darkness that has used me,
is swallowed up by the mighty river of light which I AM.
I AM, I AM, I AM Light! I live, I live, I live in Light!
I AM Light's purest intention. I AM Light's fullest dimension.
I AM Light! Light! Light! Flooding the world everywhere I move,
Blessing, strengthening and conveying the purpose of the kingdom of
Elijah was the Old Testament prophet who made his
ascension in a chariot of fire. His disciple, Elijah was grieved that
he had to go and asked for a double portion of his mantle. After his
ascension, Elijah received a special dispensation and returned to
earth as John the Baptist, to prepare the way for Elisha come again
as Jesus. John the Baptist demonstrated the law that the student must
exceed the teacher. Thus, he announced concerning Jesus that, “He
must increase, but I must decrease.” Shortly after Jesus began
his mission, John the Baptist was beheaded and returned to his ascended
The master Enoch made a physical ascension, recorded
in the Book of Genesis: “He walked with God, and was not, for
God took him.” Enoch continues to walk the earth as an ascended
master and teaches us how to walk in the holiness of God as he did.
So absorbed was Enoch with God in his every step, that his ascension
took place during one of those walks.
In the Book of Enoch, that was suppressed by church
fathers, Enoch denounces the fallen angels known as the “watchers”
and pronounces the judgment of God against them. He states that they
shall neither have peace nor forgiveness, nor be allowed to ascend
back to heaven on account of their great sin. We can call to Enoch
to judge the fallen angels, the origin of evil and the culture of
darkness that has drawn mankind to the depths of degradation. By directing
the sacred fire of God into these conditions, the Sons and Daughters
of God will uproot the wickedness and karma of the Watchers until
they pass from embodiment and are removed from the physical and astral
plane of the planet.
Ernon was embodied 13,000 years ago as the Rai of
Suern at the time of Atlantis. His story is found in the book Dweller
on Two Planets, by Phylos the Tibetan. The land of Suern stood
where India and parts of Arabia stand today. the people of Suern,
under Rai Ernon, possessed seemingly miraculous powers, including
the ability to precipitate their own food. this attainment was a result
of the strict moral code enforced by Ernon, and the intercession of
Adepts who were called the sons of solitude. Ernon possesses extraordinary
powers and could defeat his country's enemies without having to use
weapons. The people of Suern rebelled against the rules, turned against
Ernon, and upon his death, lost the powers they could no longer sustain.
Ernon serves to bring the ancient mysteries through
the teachings of the ascended masters to the quickening of souls who
knew these teachings 35,000 years ago and whose timetable it is to
ascend. Ernon also serves on the planet Venus where he is known as
the master Mol Hang. Phylos describes him as having a gentle dignity
and kindly love that beams from his deep-set, calm, gray eyes.
Casimir Poseidon
Casimir Poseidon ruled a golden age civilization about 12,000 years
ago called Poseidonis. Poseidonis was a major colony of Atlantis located
in the Amazon Valley. The people had many attainments and, like in
Suern, could precipitate their food. Casimir Poseidon was already
ascended and continued to lead the people in the way of God. His motto
was, “Learn to do well and you shall.” Though he was initially
very loved, the people gradually turned to the paths of selfishness
and no longer gave the glory to God for every advance in science and
culture. Casimir Poseidon and a band of disciples withdrew to North
America and anchored the light and the records of that ancient civilization
in what is now Colorado. Not long after, Poseidinis was destroyed
by cataclysm and sank under the sea.
Casimir Poseidon is tall in stature, and has golden
hair and blue-violet eyes. His memory was kept alive by the Indian
legend of a fair ruler who would one day return. This was the reason
why the South American natives initially welcomed the Europeans with
their fair complexion.
Today, Casimir Poseidon works with the God and Goddess
Meru and with the Great Divine Director to guide the nations of North
and South America into a golden age. He teaches us that when we are
at peace with ourselves, God through us will send powerful light rays
to hold the balance for the earth. He encourages us to use the violet
flame to mitigate the karmic potential of cataclysm.
Eriel is the hierarch of the retreat
in Arizona where he trains students in the use of the light and
the sound rays. Prior to his ascension, Eriel was embodied in China
as an alchemist, a philosopher and a sage. Eriel has assisted many
lightbearers from China in overcoming the darkness that has beset
their homeland through the Communist Revolution. One whom he assisted
was Fun Wey, who has now ascended. Eriel is described as being over
six feet tall, with penetrating Oriental eyes that glisten like stars
in the night sky. Eriel's symbol is the pink rose and he commands
legions of purple-flame angels. We can call to him to help the Chinese
lightbearers in defeating the forces of oppression.
Fun Wey
Fun Wey serves with Eriel in his retreat
in Arizona and teaches the “fun way” to the ascension.
Fun Wey began his evolution in the elemental
kingdom, where he earned a threefold flame and was given the opportunity
to pursue his immortality. The master Eriel rescued Fun Wey when he
was an infant born to an old chinese family and his life was threatened.
Fun Wey made his ascension from Eriel's Retreat after giving enthusiastic
and illumined obedience to the master. Fun Wey would impart to us
the joy and the desire to serve, and the way of delight in God's law.
He also works closely with elemental life.
John the Beloved
John the Beloved was the apostle of love who was
most intimate with Jesus, and the only one of the twelve who ascended
at the end of that life. By the end of Jesus' ministry, John had fully
become the Christ. He went on to preach the gospel until he was well
into his nineties. When the “powers at be” tried to martyr
him by putting him in a cauldron of hot oil, he emerged unscathed
and was banished to the Island of Patmos. There, he wrote the Book
of Revelation as a dictation from Jesus. Following this, he wrote
the Gospel of John, which is the most mystical of the four gospels,
as well as three epistles. John outlived the other disciples by many
years and preached well into his nineties. When he could no longer
give discourses, he would simply be led before the crowds and repeat
the message, “My little children, love one another.”
The ascended master John the Beloved has a retreat
over the Arizona Desert where he teaches us how to become the
fullness of love through the four personages of God
as the Loving Father, the Loving Mother, the Loved Son who is the
Christ, and the Loved Daughter who is the Holy Spirit.
K-17 is the master who heads the cosmic secret service,
a group of ascended and unascended masters who use their spiritual
vision to defend life on earth. These masters work around the clock
to discover and expose threats to our spiritual freedom, the stability
and right-action of our governments, and to the family as the basic
and most sacred unit of society. These masters work undercover and
sometimes assume the appearance of those whose ranks and organizations
they would penetrate. K-17 has made more appearances in the halls
of government and among the leaders of nations than any other master.
This includes within the KGB and the FBI. He draws a ring-pass-not,
a protective forcefield around those individuals who are dedicated
to serving the light. He tells us that we can call upon the cloak
of invisibility as a forcefield of protection when we do not want
to be seen by the enemy.
Mark Prophet had an experience with the cloak of
invisibility that Dorothy Lee Fulton shares in her book, Here
I AM. The two were sitting together at a restaurant and for a
very long time, the waitresses kept passing by them without inquiring
about them. Finally, Mark realized that he had called for a cloak
of invisibility to be upon them, and as soon as he made the call for
that cloak to be removed, a waitress came over and offered them a
K-17 works closely with Lanello and the Elohim Cyclopea.
We can call to these masters and to their legions to reveal what needs
to be made public within the affairs of states and organizations,
as well as to expose and prevent attacks upon our nation. We can also
call to them and to the elemental being Torch to help us find lost
objects and things that we hold dear.
The ascended master Leonora is the patroness of science
and invention who works with Saint Germain in the Cave
of Symbols. She oversees the release of inventions and technology
that will better protect our nation and the people of light on earth.
One of her inventions that was described in The Magic Presence
is a radio that could pick up signals from anywhere on earth
through the etheric belt, as well as from other planets. Leto is concerned
about the misuse of science and technology, and especially with the
practice of auto-hypnosis, auto-suggestion and mind control that is
so prevalent today.
This form of psychic domination is most dangerous
because it overpowers and ultimately cancels out the essential communion
of the soul with the higher mind of Christ. The way these products
are introduced and marketed, she explains, is first, by telling people
they are great spiritual beings and should go directly to God without
help from anyone. Then, once they are convinced of their own inner
powers, they subtly will suggest that since they are already doing
so well on their own, perhaps they don't really need God at all, being
already God.
We can call to Leonora for a greater release of science
and invention that will make it less possible for the powers of darkness
to attack America and the outposts of freedom on earth.
The Lady Master Leto is a teacher of youth of every
age, and she especially works with children who have dedicated their
life to the path of the ascension. Leto teaches alchemy, as well as
how to safely leave the body and reenter at will so that we can better
remember our experiences in the etheric retreats at night. She was
embodied during the Incan civilization where she brought forth many
advances in science, as she understood the spiritual laws behind the
manifestation. She was also an Atlantean scientist and a Chinese mystic.
Leto serves with her twin flame, Alexander Gaylord,
in the Retreat
of the Master of Paris, as well as in the Cave
of Light, where she helps accelerate candidates for the ascension.
Leto bears a spiritual flame that is purple tinged with gold, and
she wears a cape of that color. Her fragrance is heather as a token
of her great love for the Holy Spirit in nature. She invites us to
meditate on the color of violets, that will draw us nearer to her
purple, fiery heart.
Saint Therese of Lisieux
Saint Therese of Lisieux made her ascension at the
age of twenty-four, having balanced one hundred percent of her karma.
She may well be the most beloved of all of the Catholic Saints and
was canonized only twenty-five years after her passing. Saint Therese,
the “little flower of Jesus,” was known for her “little
way,” to approach God as a child with complete trust and surrender.
“It is only love that makes us acceptable unto God,” she
wrote in her autobiography, The Story of a Soul.
Therese received the initiation of the crucifixion
and bore the agony of a hemorrhage of the lungs for a whole year.
Simultaneously with her great suffering, she was experiencing the
spiritual fires of the resurrection and she repeated the words day
and night, “My God, I love thee.”
Saint Therese promised to rain roses from heaven
and as soon as she made her transition, she bestowed abundant miracles
to those who had called upon her for intercession. She said that she
would spend her heaven doing good on earth and was granted that opportunity.
Therese appeared to soldiers during World War I to protect them. She
has miraculously healed many and wrought miracles for believers everywhere.
Her story is beautifully portrayed in the movie, Therese.
As an ascended lady master, Therese teaches us the
path of soul-elevation and the balancing of karma through the use
of the violet flame. With the violet flame, we can balance our karma
much more rapidly and transmute what would have otherwise befall us
as disease in the body. She reminds us that the knowledge of the violet
flame is a dispensation and an opportunity that was given to us by
God to help us rise on the path of initiation, and for which we and
the masters who sponsored this gift will have to give an accounting.
Won't you join us then in giving fifteen
minutes of violet flame together?
Two Men who Stood by in White Apparel
These two masters stood by as Jesus ascended up into
the heavens. They appeared to the disciples and said that those who
had seen Jesus go into heaven would also see him coming down from
heaven. They are emissaries of Luxor and their white apparel is the
brilliance of the white light of the ascension flame.
They explain that each one who ascends receives the
ministry of two attendants who anchor the polarity of the flame of
Alpha and Omega for the one who is ascending. these two masters, as
well as other emissaries from Luxor will come to students who are
candidates for the ascension to assist the flow of spiritual currents
in the etheric, mental, emotional and physical bodies. the masters
teach souls who attend the retreat at Luxor how to weave the deathless
solar garment , which becomes a forcefield of auric protection around
the four lower bodies. they exact patience and perfection from their
chelas and explain the importance of details. In a dictation given
in 1976 through The Summit Lighthouse, they explained,
“Realize, then, that the path of the ascension
is nothing but detail. It is the disciple who has the consciousness
of detail, who leaves no stone unturned, who will discipline the self,
who will realize that it is the small victories inch by inch won in
consciousness that make the final victory....In the seven
rays of mastery, you are concerned with conquering a pathway of
light. But the rays demand the very delicate awareness of threads
and lines, and crisscrossing of threads and lines, for this its truly
the weaving of the seamless garment.”
Unknown Master
of the Himalayas
The unknown master of the Himalayas comes out of
the East and in the center of Krishna. He peaks from the very heart
of the Eternal Guru, Sanat Kumara. This master has not released his
name and we can get to know him through the flame of the Ancient
of Days that he bears.
Master of
The Master of Paris made his ascension more than
500 years ago and is chief of the Council of France. He maintains
a focus of the Will of God in La-Sainte Chapelle on the Ile de la
Cite in the heart of Paris, and has an etheric
retreat over that focus, from where he focuses the threefold flame.
he also maintains a physical focus in the city of Paris, that he often
frequents in physical form It is a beautiful, old, castle like residence
with many windows overlooking Paris. This focus is frequently used
by the masters to direct the energies necessary to hold the balance
for the governments of Europe.
Snow King and Snow
The Snow King and Snow Queen are cosmic beings of
great attainment and stature, who release their tremendous momentum
of purity to the earth as a brilliant white blanket that can stay
the hand of war, riots, oppression, revolution and the rising up of
uncontrolled masses.
These great beings ruled an ancient golden age civilization,
long before the Ice Age, where Greenland now stands. This ancient
civilization was actually tropical in nature, and covered a good part
of the North Pole. Their story carries the record of how a once green,
lush and beautiful Edenic paradise might become covered with snow.
Snow crystals carry etheric fire and the covering of snow comes as
a purification of the etheric and physical plane over areas where
great darkness had settled in. This purification paves the way for
new cycles appearing. The masters foretell that in the Golden Age
of Aquarius that is to come, large areas of the planet will once again
become subtropical and verdant. Much of what man has called “global
warming” is actually a manifestation of the spiritual shifts
that are coming into being. These shifts can occur with a minimum
of cataclysmic destruction or loss of life, if we will invoke more
violet flame to transmute
the records of our past karmas and the destruction of these ancient
civilizations of light.
The Snow King and Snow Queen keep the flame of purity
from the North unto the South Pole, and release a blanket of white
light that covers the earth. They send forth a spiritual snow that
often manifests as physical snow as it crystallizes into the earth.
The spiritual snow glistens with the radiance of the beautiful pastel
rainbow colors and anchors the manifestation of purity that is most
needed for the hour.
Melchizedek is the priest of the Most high God to
whom Abraham brought his tithes.He has been described as having neither
beginning nor ending of days, and in Hebrew, his name means, “King
of Right."
The Book of Hebrews says that Jesus was “made
an high priest forever after the order of Melchisedec." Melchizedek
heads an ancient priesthood of the sacred fire known as the Order
of Melchizedek. This priesthood invokes the violet flame to bring
forth the perfected balance and outcome of science and spirituality,
and their symbol is the Maltese cross. We can write a letter to the
ascended master Melchizedek, to Jesus and to Archangel Zadkiel and
asked them to be trained in this inner priesthood. After we burn the
letter, we must ask to be taken to Archangel
Zadkiel's retreat at night and give violet flame decrees every
day. (We invite you to join
our radio broadcast where we give fifteen minutes of violet flame
each night.)
The 144,000 ascended masters who form the Order of
the Priests of Melchizedek will help us to make our ascension if we
will call upon them and invoke the violet flame.
Saint Patrick
Saint Patrick is the Patron of Ireland, who drove
the snakes off of the emerald isle, meaning the serpent mind of the
fallen ones who were incarnate as the the powers at be and among the
Druid priests. Patrick brought the Christian faith to all of Ireland,
and pronounced the judgment of these dark ones. he was never afraid
to confront evil, and he knew that Jesus lived in him and spoke through
Saint Patrick was a direct chela of Sanat Kumara
who had previously brought the word of the Lord to the Israelites
as the Prophet Jeremiah. He serves in the lineage of the saints of
Ruby Ray, who are known for their intense, fiery, uncompromising and
selfless love. Saint Patrick taught the mysteries of the threefold
flame manifesting in nature as the shamrock. His life illustrates
the power of one individual wed to God. Patrick wrote in his Confession:
“Daily I expect a violent death or to be robbed and reduced
to slavery or the occurrence of some such calamity. I have cast myself
into the hands of Almighty God, for he rules everything as the prophet
sayeth, 'Cast thy care upon the Lord, and He Himself will sustain
We can call to Saint Patrick to help us deal with
entrenched forces of darkness and bring truth to the nations. When
we offer his Lorica for Protection, he seals us in his presence:
I bind me to-day,
God’s might to direct me,
God’s power to protect me,
God’s wisdom for learning,
God’s eye for discerning,
God’s ear for my hearing,
God’s word for my clearing.
God’s hand for my cover,
God’s path to pass over,
God’s buckler to guard me,
God’s army to ward me,
Against snares of the devil,
Against vice’s temptation,
Against wrong inclination,
Against men who plot evil,
Anear or afar, with many or few.
Christ near,
Christ here,
Christ be with me,
Christ beneath me,
Christ within me,
Christ behind me,
Christ be o’er me,
Christ before me.
Christ in the left and the right,
Christ hither and thither,
Christ in the sight,
Of each eye that shall seek me,
In each ear that shall hear,
In each mouth that shall speak me—
Christ not the less
In each heart I address.
I bind me to-day on the Triune—I call,
With faith in the Trinity-Unity—God over all.
Ray O Light
Ray O Light is an ascended master who bears the fearlessness
flame, which is a brilliant white light tinged with green. His service
to life is to bring illumination to mankind by imparting the radiance
of the Father-Mother God. Ray-O-Light was embodied on earth and as
he was assailed by great forces of darkness, he knelt in prayer and
called to God for deliverance. At that moment, he faced the planetary
momentum of fear with the firm faith that God's light was greater
than any darkness. After many, many hours of prayer, he received the
vision of the fearlessness flame descending from the God-Star Sirius
as a pencil light across the sky until it reached his heart. The light
burst through his soul and chakras until he became completely one
with the fearlessness flame, surrendering all vestiges of lesser awareness
outside of that flame.
Ray O Light teaches us to press on step by step and
to invoke the fearlessness flame whenever we are burdened, assailed
with doubts of otherwise under attack. He has promised that he will
come at our darkest hour with legions of fearlessness flame, if we
will only whisper his name and remember that we too are a ray of light.
As we give his mantra, “O God, O Fearlessness flame! Legions
of Ray O Light, Come Forth!” So he will fill us with his presence
of peace.
Rose of Light
Rose of Light assists us in unfolding our heart chakra
and expanding the light through our threefold flame. She tended the
flame of healing love on Atlantis, as well as a shrine and meditation
garden devoted to unfolding the soul's divine plan. The garden was
filled with roses, each symbolizing the unfolding soul potential in
God. She prayed without ceasing that the Sons and Daughters of God
might fulfill their divine plan and she ascended just before the sinking
of the continent.
Rose of Light has a rose in her heart. Each petal
releases an alchemical key to strengthen the threefold flame the hearts
of lightbearers worldwide. This alchemy of the golden-pink light from
her heart releases divine love into the world that becomes a ruby
fire and consumes evil.
Saint Bernadette
Saint Bernadette is an ascended lady master. As a
young girl, Mother Mary appeared to Bernadette and instructed her
to dig out the spring at Lourdes with her bare hands. Her story is
beautifully depicted in the classic movie, The Song of Bernadette.
Thirty years after her death, Bernadette's body was exhumed and to
reveal a state of perfect preservation. Today, it
is displayed for visitors at the Convent of Nevers, and her face
and hands are covered with a thin wax mask.
Saint Cecilia
Saint Cecilia is an ascended lady master who is also
the patron saint of music because as she was martyred, she sang to
God. She lived as Cecilia in the third century A.D. Her story begins
when she was given in marriage to a youth named Valerian. She invoked
the saints and angels and virgins, and she said to her husband, “I
will tell you a secret if you will swear not to reveal it to anyone.”
And when he swore, she added, “There is an angel who watches
me, and wards off from me any who would touch me.” He said,
“Dearest, if this be true, show me the angel.” She replied,
“That can only be if you will believe in one God, and be baptized.”
When Valerian returned from having been baptized,
he saw Cecilia praying in her chamber, and an angel by her with flaming
wings, holding two crowns of roses and lilies, which he placed on
their heads, and then vanished. Saint Cecilia, by preaching had converted
four hundred people. She was arrested, and condemned to be suffocated
in the baths. She was shut in for a night and a day, and the fires
were heaped up, and made to glow and roar their utmost, but Cecilia
did not even break out into perspiration. An executioner was sent
to cut off her head in the bath. The man struck three times without
being able to sever the head from the trunk. He left her bleeding,
and she lived three days. Crowds came to her, and collected her blood
with napkins and sponges, while she preached to them, prayed and sang.
She would not die until she received the sacrament of Holy Communion.
After she received Holy Communion, she ascended home to God.