elementals are beings of fire, air, water and earth, who bring great
assistance to mankind by tending the forces of nature. Unlike the
angelic and christed evolutions, the elemental evolution evolves
into a denser and denser manifestation. The salamanders, who are
beings of fire, evolve into sylphs, who are beings of air. Then
the sylphs evolve into undines, who are beings of water, and the
undines evolve into gnomes, who are beings of the earth element.
meritorious service to mankind, gnomes gain the opportunity to earn
a threefold flame and graduate into the christed evolution, where
they incarnate as human beings. They can also cross over into the
angelic evolution, where they first serve as fairies.
from all of the kingdoms can occupy animal bodies. Bears, for example,
often have the spirit of a trapped salamander, who seeks to discharge
their energy through the animal's aggressive behavior. Dogs like
Saint Bernards, horses, dolphins and whales tend to embody the highest
light. Whales are animals of the Holy Spirit who transmit cosmic
light rays to all life upon earth.
The Densification
of Earth
The elementals of fire, air, water and earth were
created to reflect and expand the joy, the beauty and the harmony
that was inherent in nature. During the first three root races,
earth was actually a transparent sphere of light, pure as crystal
with rainbow hues. As earth became more and more burdened by the
negative thoughts and feelings of mankind, it became formed of grosser
and grosser matter that took on the browns, olives and and other
colors not conducive to the light. Whereas in past golden ages,
the weather was always a pleasant subtropical climate, over time,
the elementals started to discharge mankind's negative energy through
cataclysmic events like floods, tornadoes, hurricanes, fires, earthquakes
and mudslides. Because elementals naturally fall under the dominion
of mankind, some do become trapped by black magicians for great
destructive purposes. We can liberate these imprisoned elementals
by calling to Archangel Michael and to the Elohim Astrea to cut
them free.
Violet Flame
for Elemental Life
The most important service we can render to the
elementals is to invoke the violet flame and the resurrection flame
on their behalf. We do this in the name of Jesus, in the name of
the Maha Chohan and in the name of the elemental hierarchs. These
ascended masters work closely with elemental life and direct spiritual
energy to transmute the burdens upon them, restoring in them hope
for a better tomorrow. We can also ask that our pets and other elementals
who have rendered us a great service be granted a threefold flame
so they can earn the opportunity for immortal life. This includes
our body elemental.
within the Aura
A salamander looks after our etheric body, lifetime
after lifetime. A sylph looks after our mental body and expresses
himself through our thoughts. An undine looks after our emotional
body and expresses herself through the feelings we discharge. And
we a gnome looks after the our physical body and keeps all of our
organs and systems running smoothly. This elemental can be seen
within the aura. He or she is about three feet tall, and likes to
dress like us. The service of our body elemental helps create and
maintain a new body, lifetime after lifetime. Then, when we make
our ascension at the conclusion of many incarnations, our body elemental
receives a threefold flame and moves on into the Christed evolution.
Until elementals receive a threefold flame, they
are a part of a group soul. When a pet dies, you can ask for an
elemental to be drawn from the same soul pool as your previous pet.
You will often find that even though there are differences in outward
appearance, your new pet will have a very similar disposition to
the pet that passed away.
Clairvoyant teacher Charles Leadbeater talks about
the importance of disciplining our body elementals in his book,
The Inner Life. He explains that each elemental is looking
to densify through the intense energies and situations that we engage
in. This is particularly true for our mental and emotional elementals.
If we care not careful, our mental elemental will try and push us
to have obsessive, recurring thought patterns and our emotional
elemental will push us to have strong emotional outbursts, including
states of depression. These states of mind and feeling vivify the
elemental essence. Our elementals convince us that we are the ones
who are thinking and feeling when in fact, we are simply outpicturing
the elemental addiction within the aura.
Disciplining the elementals of our four lower bodies
is like learning good horsemanship. We must never forget that we
are in charge. As Leadbeater puts it, “Our business, both
during life and after death, is to control this desire-elemental,
and not let it control us. Realize that you are a god in the making.
All the power and force of the universe are on your side.”
We must become as Krishna, the Christ figure who is the perfect
charioteer and master over the four lower bodies.
The Elemental
Oromasis and Diana
Oromasis and Diana direct the fiery salamanders
serving this planet, and have a special
retreat directed to that service. These beings work closely
with Zarathustra and the priests and priestesses of the Order of
Melchizedek. They initiate us on the path of spiritual mastery in
opening our chakras and in aligning our four lower bodies with our
etheric blueprint. They quicken and intensify the action of any
spiritual flame invoked and can even intensify our threefold flame,
in the secret chamber of the heart. We can also call to them to
contain all uncontrolled and destructive fires in the name of the
The beings of fire who serve with Oromasis and
Diana are nine feet tall and have rainbows of liquid fire that ripple
through their auras, reflecting the prismic light of God. They can
reduce their size to an inch in height when we light a match, for
instance. They also carry rods of white fire that tend the fire
element on the physical plane.
Aries and Thor
Aries and Thor direct the sylphs of the air and
the atmosphere around the planet, as well as the formation of the
clouds. They are beautiful, curvaceous, iridescent, wispy beings
endowed with ballerina grace. When they have taken on too much much
human negativity, they discharge the energy through hurricanes and
tornadoes. When angels abound, they love to create a replica of
these angels in the sky.
The sylphs bear the prana and the currents of the
Holy Spirit between heaven and earth, and are present when the breath
of life enters a new baby body. They seek to help us master our
mental body and thought processes, until our mind reflects the mind
of Christ and our breath is the full release of the Holy Spirit.
We can also call to them to purify the atmosphere from chemtrails
and all kinds of harmful pollution.
Neptune and
Neptune and Luara direct the undines of the water
element. Undines can be found wherever there is water, and sometimes,
they take on the form of a mermaid. They love to play in the ocean
surf, in the crashing waterfalls and even when we take a shower.
Neptune and Luara govern the seven seas that correspond to the seven
planes of being, and serve to purify the emotional body of a planet
and her people.
Neptune carries a trident as a symbol of the threefold
flame which is the power of Christ by which he harnesses the tremendous
force behind the water element. Luara is the Mother of Tides, who
governs the tides and cycles of fertility. She teaches us how to
balance our emotions. We can call to Neptune and Luara, and to the
undines to purify the waters of the earth, down even to our drinking
water. They will also calm the seas and bring peace to our emotions,
in answer to our prayers.
Virgo and Pelleur
Virgo and Pelleur are cosmic beings who rule from
the sun of even pressure in the center of the earth. Virgo is sometimes
called Prosperina. These twin flames govern the earth element, and
are mother and father to billions and billions of gnomes who tend
earth in the four seasons. Gnomes are gentle and powerful beings
created by Elohim, who range in size from three-inch-high elves,
to three-foot dwarfs, to the mighty giants known as the mountain
kings and queens.
Virgo and Pelleur teach us how to master our physical
body and transmit the comfort, caring and beauty of God through
the nature kingdom. In return, we can teach the gnomes how to give
violet flame and invite them into our sanctuaries and services of
light. We can also learn much about them in this classic book that
they inspired.
Celeste had many earthly embodiments before ascending
through the devic evolution. Celeste works closely with the angelic
and the elemental kingdoms. She pleads for us to realize the tremendous
assistance that we receive from elementals. She asks us to release
our love and gratitude to them, as we pray for them to be cut free
to gain their freedom and their victory. This, we call for in the
name of Saint Germain.