The Elohim are mighty builders of form who evolved from the elemental
kingdom. These great spiritual beings successfully use the creative
powers of thought, feeling, spoken word and action to manifest and
precipitate the will of God into physical form. The seven Elohim created
earth in what the Bible allegorically describes as seven days.
Hercules and
Hercules and Amazonia are the Elohim who serve the
first ray of God's power, strength, and will to do. Their retreat
is located over Mount Half Dome, in Yosemite National Park. Hercules
and Amazonia were the first to accept the opportunity of helping Helios
and Vesta in creating planet earth out of primal life essence. In
the book, Man, His Origin, History and Destiny, Werner Shroeder
describes this:
“Preceding all manifestation comes the desire
and then the decision and the will to do. Hercules, the Elohim of
the first ray, represented this God-virtue in the creation of our
planet. Without first making a decision, there is no accomplishment.
As spokesperson for the Seven Mighty Elohim, Hercules said to Helios
and Vesta, “We will externalize your pattern and plan.”
Hercules and Amazonia are the only Elohim who incarnated
in human form. Hercules had three lifetimes on earth in ages past,
to deal with the grotesque, half-man, half-animal creations made by
fallen ones called Watchers in the Bible. Hercules ascended after
performing the twelve labors, an account which later became part of
Greek mythology. The twelve labors also represent the soul's striving
for perfection as she is initiated by the twelve solar hierarchies.
Amazonia embodied among the Amazons, a highly evolved civilization
where a mighty race of women ruled in the area that is now the Amazon
basin. Eventually, that civilization turned from the light, devolved
into tribal warfare and was no more.
We can call to Hercules and Amazonia to enfold us in their protection,
strength and power of overcoming. We can draw their mighty assistance
into our world and decision-making process, that will help us fully
manifest God's blueprint for our life. We can also summon their energy
to turn back war, terrorism, cataclysm and all that opposes God's
will from manifesting in the governments of the nations. Dictating
through Elizabeth Clare Prophet, Hercules promised, “Wherever
there is cataclysm, flood , or fire or storm or drought, I ask you
to call to me, that I may intercede with the Great power that God
has given me. I promise that each and every time you give your call
to me in multiples of nine, you shall have that multiplication that
you have not seen since my original physical presence in the earth.”
Apollo and Lumina
Apollo and Lumina are the Elohim of the second ray
of God's wisdom, guardians of the Christ consciousness who can instantaneously
precipitate the mind of God. Their retreat
is over Lower Saxony in Germany. During the creation of earth,
the Elohim brought the gift of perception, illumination and wisdom.
This is the ability to cognize and grasp an idea, and to meditate
on the ways and means by which it can be brought satisfactorily into
The god known to the ancient Greeks as Apollo may well have originated
from an ancient remembrance of an encounter with Elohim. Apollo brings
a rod of illumination's flame to increase our awareness of God, that
we can visualize as an intense golden light pulsating within our brain,
crowned by a golden corona above our head. We can also call to Apollo
and Lumina to release the flame of illumination for all mankind, and
especially for the youth of the world.
Heros and Amora
Heros and Amora are the Elohim of the third ray of
God's love, which is the mightiest power in the universe. Their retreat
is over Lake Winnipeg in Canada. In the creation of earth, these
Elohim brought forth the power of cohesion, drawing the unformed into
form, and sustaining and beautifying that manifestation through love.
Heros and Amora stabilized earth and curbed the power of evil with
bricks of ruby-ray love that they placed into the earth. We can call
to them to amplify love and to multiply our violet-flame
decrees by the power of love, that will heal the etheric sheath
of the planet. Heros and Amora will also help us to defeat all that
opposes our divine union with our twin flame (divine counterpart)
and with our own higher self.
Purity and Astrea
Purity and Astrea are the Elohim of God's fourth
ray of purity, perfection and hope, that manifests as the flame of
the ascension. They come to help us know God as the Divine Mother
who outpictures all natural law governing the universe in the physical
plane. Their retreat
is over the White Sea in Russia. During the creation of earth,
the Elohim Purity held steady the clarified picture of what was to
come, without interference or distortion.
Astrea wields a mighty sword of blue and white light to cut free God's
children from all that opposes their spiritual victory, including
addictions, harmful thoughts and feelings, and demons and entities
that attach themselves to the spinal column and chakras, syphoning
the light of an incarnate being. We can call to Mighty Astrea to lock
her circle and sword of blue flame around the cause and core of any
negative condition or problem in our life. In answer to our call,
she wields her circle and sword as an antidote to every form of darkness.
This action shatters the forcefield of sin, disease and death, and
reinforces our innate God-identity. Mighty Astrea performs this mighty
service in answer to our call, delivering us and our loved ones, as
well as millions of souls who need spiritual reinforcement.
Cyclopea and Virginia
Cyclopea and Virginia are the Elohim of God's fifth
ray of healing, truth, vision, abundance and music. Their retreat
is in the Altai Range where China, Russia and Mongolia meet. Cyclopea
ensouls the vision of the Creator for the freedom of lifewaves on
many planetary homes through the galaxies. The Founding Fathers knew
of his presence of ensconced his image as the all-Seeing Eye of God
on our dollar bill.
During the creation of Earth, Cyclopea held the
concentration of energies until the design of earth was completed.
When we call upon him, Cyclopea will help us to clear our third-eye
of all impure seeing, and our mental and emotional bodies of all impure
thinking and feeling. Together with Virginia, he releases the music
of the spheres on behalf of Alpha and Omega and helps us to fulfill
our divine plan. Together, they teach us the vast science of God and
the scientific steps that will lead to our spiritual ascension.
Peace and Aloha
Peace and Aloha are the Elohim of peace, brotherhood,
service and ministration in Christ. Their retreat is the Temple
of Peace over the Hawaiian Islands. These Elohim provided the
last step in the precipitation of Earth, sealing the planet in a flame
of Cosmic Christ peace so that it could be permanently sustained.
They also set it to spin around its axis, joining the celestial song
of the Music of the Spheres.
Peace and Aloha radiate powerful ribbons of peace from their retreat
and teach students how to hold the flame of peace that Jesus bore.
They teach us to visualize a pavilion of peace in our heart and help
us govern the energies of our solar plexus chakra when we we give
the mantra, “Peace be still and know that I AM God.” We
call to them to prevent wars from starting around the world and to
help put out larger conflicts, visualizing ten thousand angels of
peace descending upon the area where warfare is taking place.
Arcturus and Victoria
Arcturus and Victoria are the Elohim of the seventh
ray of God's mercy, transmutation, forgiveness and freedom. Their
retreat is over
Luanda in Angola. During the precipitation of earth, Arcturus
and Victoria brought the violet flame in the rhythm of invocation
and precision, to perfect the symmetry of the form. These Elohim strongly
encourage us to invoke
the violet flame in every area of our lives so they can intercede
on our behalf. They explain that the violet flame is a springboard
to our spiritual victory. Whenever we invoke the violet flame through
mantras, decrees, songs and affirmations, we are releasing a mighty
miracle light that will accelerate us spiritually and by and by, move
the civilization of earth into a golden age consciousness made manifest.
Elohim of the
Five Secret Rays
The Elohim of the five secret rays focus the inner
manifestation of God from the Great Central Sun. We can call upon
their momentum to help us develop the bands of the secret rays within
our own causal body and to magnify the energy of God that is in the
white-fire core of the atom.