The term God and Goddess is given to ascended masters and cosmic beings
who ensoul the God-consciousness of their office. Below are the Gods
and Goddesses whose names we have been given, that we may call upon
Amaryllis, Goddess of Spring
Amaryllis is the Goddess of spring and the spirit
behind the yearly miracle that truly is springtime. The angels and
elemental nature spirits who serve with Amaryllis are embued, each
year, with that flame of resurrection that produces a rebirth within
nature. Her devotion to the Holy Spirit and her momentum of Christ-power
is such that the elemental beings of fire, air, water and earth follow
her from one end of the planet to the other, outpicturing the beauty
of her love for all living things. Through her mastery of the mental
plane and the air element, she rejuvenates our consciousness so that
we may fulfill our divine plan and she helps us to overcome the last
enemy, which is death. She also embodies the golden flame of divine
precipitation, tinged with brilliant green.
Kuan Yin, Goddess of Mercy
Kuan Yin, the compassionate saviouress is the Goddess
of Mercy, the divine mother and mediatrix who fully embodies the virtues
of mercy, compassion and forgiveness. In her retreat
over Peking, she ministers to the souls of humanity through the
violet transmuting flame. As the great boddhisattva, Kuan Yin has
foregone the bliss of nirvana and vowed to save all children of God.
In the Lotus Sutra, we read that, “to hear her name
and see her form delivers beings from every woe.” Those who
call to her have implicit trust in her saving grace and healing powers.
Her mantra, Om Mani Padme Hum means, “Hail to the jewel in the
Lotus!” Kuan Yin becomes the jewel in the lotus of the devotee's
Kuan Yin was born from a ray of white light emitted from the right
eye of the Great Buddha Amitahba when he was lost in ecstasy. Kuan
Yin embodies Amitahba's compassion in a more direct and personal way
and prayers to her are answered more quickly. Kuan Yin also serves
on the Karmic
Board and brings her momentum of mercy to that office.
Dictating through Elizabeth Clare Prophet, Kuan Yin
explained: “Mercy is the strongest power in the universe. It
is the power of the will of God. The power of mercy is the intensity
of love that will dissolve all fear, all doubt, all recalcitrance
and rebellion....The mercy of the Law is sometimes very stern, but
it is always patient, always tolerant, and it sees the flame within
the heart rising, rising, rising to meet the Christ.”
Elizabeth gives an important clarification about
forgiveness. “There is a difference between the forgiveness
of sins and their transmutation,” she says. “Someone may
steal your purse and later tell you that he is sorry he took it. You
may forgive him, but the matter is not closed, karmically speaking,
until he returns that purse to you with every penny intact or makes
whatever restitution is necessary. Forgiveness is not the balancing
of karma; it is the setting aside of karma whereby you are given the
freedom to make things right without the heavy burden of sin.”
Kuan Yin inspires us to forgive others, like Jesus
taught, so that our heavenly father can also forgive us our trespasses
with merciful love. She explains, “For many of you, I have pleaded
before the Lords of Karma for the opportunity to embody, to be whole,
to not have dealt to you in the physical the great karma of being
maimed and blinded at birth that some of you have deserved....I say
this that you might also have the wisdom to understand that when mercy
has been accorded for a time, you are expected to deliver the fruits
of mercy, following the works of the Lord and the way of wisdom.”
Kuan Yin has given us the beautiful dispensation
of calling upon her sword of mercy. in a teaching published by The
Summit Lighthouse, we read:
“ When you don't know what to do about a problem, just calm
down, center in the presence of God within you and call to Kuan Yin
in the name of your Mighty I AM Presence and Holy Christ Self for
her sword of mercy. Visualize your heart blazing with mercy's pink-violet
fire. Then place your right hand upon your heart and draw forth the
sword of mercy. Take this sword and point it directly into the core
of any problem. Feel the action of mercy's power rushing in to balance
minds and feelings, to transmute and make everyone whole. Meditate
upon the sword and visualize its penetrating, all-consuming action.
And let the flame do its perfect work.”
Goddess of Light
Amerissis, Goddess of Light, is a powerful being who is devoted to
the light of God in every part of life, down to the very electron.
Her retreat is the Shrine
of Glory in the Andes Mountains. Prior to her ascension, Amerissis
was embodied in South America and had achieved such an attainment
that she was able to maintain life in her body for more than five
hundred years. In a moment of pride, as she was congratulating herself
for her spiritual attainment, a black magician superimposed upon her
the tail of a fish, trapping her in the form of a mermaid.
Because of her great attainment, the law required
her to ascend from the form in which she had gained her mastery, so
she could not lay down her body and be reborn. From that moment forward,
Amerissis never dwelled on the imperfection of her form and kept her
attention focused upward on the light, calling for that light to expand.
She continued to serve mankind from behind a counter, where no one
could see her tail. Three hundred years later, when her momentum of
light was great enough, the Brotherhood sent an unascended master
to assist her and together, they invoked enough sacred fire to shatter
the matrix that had imprisoned her so that she could ascend.
The Goddess of Freedom
The Goddess of Freedom is the cosmic embodiment of freedom to all
systems of worlds. She has kept the flame of freedom on earth for
thousands of years. She instructs souls at the Royal
Teton Retreat on how to maintain the purity of freedom while embodied
on earth. A focus of her very heart chakra is ensconced in her statue
over the Capitol in Washington D.C., pulsing the flame of freedom
into receptive hearts and souls, especially within the nation's leadership.
Ruth Hawkins, Goddess of Beauty
The Goddess of Beauty is a lady master who enshrines all of the attributes
of divine beauty, and who was recently embodied as Ruth Hawkins. She
is the twin flame of Paul the Venetian and tirelessly served the cause
of the Great White Brotherhood. She was knighted by Mark Prophet as
Lady Adoremus and made her ascension from the Temple
of the Sun. She is remembered for her great love of beauty, for
her paintings of the masters, for her love of children, for her violet
flame invocations and for her service to Paris and the people of France.
You can read of her heartwarming devotion to life in the book, The
Masters and the Retreats by Mark and Elizabeth Clare Prophet.
Portia, Goddess
of Justice and Goddess of Opportunity
Portia is a lady master and the twin flame of Saint Germain, who after
thousands of years of service to life on the seventh ray of freedom,
justice and mercy, earned the title of Goddess of Justice and Goddess
of Opportunity. Beloved Portia serves on the Karmic
Board and holds the scales of justice. These scales, held in Ancient
Egypt by the Goddess Ma'at, symbolize the perfect balance of spiritual
understanding of the Divine Mother who gives to her children the perfect
apportionment of mercy blended with justice. Portia has counseled
individuals to maximize the opportunity of their given life before
they come into embodiment.
Portia ascended home to God before discord began
to manifest on earth, and she remained in the Great Silence for a
long time, holding the balance for her embodied twin flame. When Saint
Germain, embodied as Francis Bacon, wrote The Merchant of Venice
under his pen name Shakespeare, he inserted her name into the play.
In 1939, Portia stepped out of Nirvana to directly help Saint Germain,
now ascended, with his efforts to bring forth the I AM teachings to
America and the world.
The Goddess of Liberty
The Goddess of Liberty enshrines the cosmic consciousness of liberty
for earth. She is the spokesperson for the Karmic
Board and the representative of the solar
hierarchy of Leo. She represents the archetypal pattern of the
World Mother who carries the book of divine law and illumination and
gives hope to the tired, the poor and all victims of tyranny. Her
retreat is the Temple
of the Sun over Manhattan, where her statue stands. This retreat
was actually a physical temple that she erected on Atlantis, prior
to the sinking of that continent, when it was withdrawn to the etheric
The Goddess of Liberty was also embodied in the ancient Amazonian
civilization, where women ruled over a mighty people where the Amazon
jungle now stands. She bears the title, Goddess of Liberty, because
she enshrines the cosmic consciousness of liberty on earth. She assisted
our founding fathers to establish a nation “under God”
and appeared to George Washington with the vision of America's destiny
as a nation that would enshrine the Christ consciousness.
The Goddess of Liberty wears a crown of seven rays
that focus the power of the seven mighty Elohim, as portrayed in the
magnificent statue that she inspired. A smaller form of her statue
also stands in a park in Paris and her keynote of liberty is the French
national anthem. She holds the torch of liberty for all and helps
us to anchor the virtue of gratitude in action. She has called for
one thousand faithful students to decree the preservation of America's
destiny and she has vowed to stay with earth until every last man,
woman and child ascends.
The Goddess
of Peace
The Goddess of Peace serves at the Temple
of Peace over the Hawaiian Islands and works with elemental life
to infuse that flame in nature. She teaches that the only way to know
true peace is to find the way to our Divine Self, and she helps us
anchor the flame of peace to still the turbulence of our thoughts,
feelings and actions, so that we may become candidates for the ascension.
She also assists mothers bearing incoming souls to prepare for the
birth and destiny of their child.
The Goddess
of Purity
The Goddess of Purity focuses the flame of Cosmic Christ purity from
her retreat
over Madagascar unto the four corners of the earth. This service
is one that she has rendered for thousands of years. She also holds
a magnificent focus
of purity over San Francisco, where an ancient Lemurian temple
once stood hundreds of thousands of years ago. Her scepter of power
carries a tremendous momentum of purity and pierces the darkness of
human illusion, glamour and karma. She serves with the Goddess of
Light and the Queen of Light to anchor the intense light of the Christ
consciousness on earth each day, and especially during winter solstice.
These lady masters also serve in hospitals, anchoring their healing
ray of purity when surgeries are taking place.
Fortuna, Goddess
of Supply
Fortuna, Goddess of Supply, is a cosmic being who
precipitates her momentum of abundance to all who call upon her. Her
momentum is a powerful radiance of green and gold like the sun, and
she desires that mankind experience the glory of the golden ages.
To do so, all material gold and success must be qualified with the
spiritual gold of the Christ consciousness. Fortuna teaches that abundance
is an outer manifestation of inner harmony, and that as you sow harmony,
you reap supply. She also teaches that gold and supply comes from
heaven to those who have a heart of gold, and to those who love and
serve life for the glory of God.
Pallas Athena, Goddess of Truth
Pallas Athena, Goddess of Truth, is a tremendous
being who ensouls the cosmic consciousness of truth and who serves
on the Karmic
Board. Her retreat is the Temple
of Truth above the island of Crete, where souls come to be instructed
in cosmic law, and in the sciences of healing, mathematics, geometry
music, alchemy and precipitation. Pallas Athena served as a high priestess
in the temple of Truth on Atlantis and kept the flame of truth for
the golden Age of Greece. She also directed the oracles of Delphi,
where temple virgins served as messengers for the gods and goddesses.
Her twin flame is the Maha Chohan, who when embodied as Homer, spoke
of her in his epic poems, The Iliad and The Odyssey.
The ancient Greeks described her as having been born from the head
of Zeus, a metaphor for her rationality and wisdom. They built the
Parthenon in her honor and enshrined a forty foot ivory and gold statue
of Athena sculpted by Phidias. Known as the spear-shaker, Pallas Athena
inspired the Greek warriors, and she was also the muse and inspiration
of Sir Francis Bacon when he wrote the Shakespearean plays.
Leadbeater describes her, “Pallas Athene, the grey-eyed goddess
of wisdom, was a magnificent and splendid being, who practically governed
Athens in the old days through her devotees. Her influence was enormously
stimulating, but she was not so much an embodiment of compassion or
of love, as is the Blessed Virgin Mary, but rather of efficiency and
of that perfect accuracy of form that is the essence of all true art.
Much of the wonderful art of Greece was inspired directly by her;
and to satisfy her it had to be the very highest and truest and most
accurate. She could not tolerate a single line misplaced, even in
the smallest thing....She kept Athens in the perfect order, directing
it, governing it, brooding over its people with her wonderful inspiration
because it would have been a disgrace to be otherwise than beautiful.”did
being, who practically governed Athens in the old days through her
Pallas Athena wants us to call upon her and her legions of Truth to
go before us whenever we are engaged in serving the mighty cause of
truth. In a dictation through Elizabeth Clare Prophet given in 1976,
Pallas Athena says, “When I say I AM truth incarnate, I must
rely upon your body, your flesh and your blood, your mind and your
soul to be the incarnation of the Word of Truth that I AM! I AM Pallas
Athena. I AM Greek. I AM Roman. I AM freeborn. I AM a member of every
nation. I AM an American. From this day and forever more, I claim
you for the cause of truth because you have made that cause your own.”
Goddess of Wisdom
Theosophia is the ascended lady master name for the founder of Christian
Science, Mary Baker Eddy, who had a profound gift of healing. The
name Theosophia means “divine science.” Mary made her
ascension thirty years after her final incarnation. She is very close
to Jesus. She was embodied as Mary of Bethany, and also as one who
had served in the Temple of Illumination on Atlantis.
Upon her ascension, Mary took up the office in hierarchy of Goddess
of Wisdom which was previously held by another lady master, who went
on to cosmic service when Mary assumed that office. As the Goddess
of Wisdom, she teaches souls how to apply Christ's wisdom in a practical
way in everyday life. She is very concerned with the Christ-education
of children, protecting their minds from the manipulation of the left-handed
path and the forces of darkness. She also strives to help mankind
understand that truth, science and spirit all spring from the same
Tara, the White
The White Goddess is one of the many images of the
Divine Mother, who is also a living being personifying that office.
In Tibet, she is worshiped as the savioress Tara, who was born from
a a lotus that grew in the water of a tear shed by Avalokiteshvara.
We can say that she and Kuan Yin are divine sisters, and some believe
they are one and the same. The White Goddess' symbol is the fully
opened lotus, that represents the opening of the petals of the chakras.
Tara embodies blessings and generosity towards all life, and helps
us to gently raise the Kundalini energy from the base-of-the-spine
chakra to the crown chakra until full enlightenment blossoms within
us. When we offer her mantras and rosaries to the Divine Mother, she
springs forth from our base chakra within our microcosmic universe
as a most beautiful manifestation. Tara also teaches the mathematics
of divine timing whereby we will overthrow the force of darkness and
save humanity, in the joy of the sacred fire.
Godfre, God
The ascended master Godfre, known as God Obedience,
was embodied as Guy Ballard, the messenger for the I
AM Movement. As such Godfre brought forth the teachings of the
Mighty I AM Presence and the violet
flame in the twentieth century. The turning point in his life
was one day as he was walking on Broadway in Los Angeles. He suddenly
stopped and, like Gautama, addressed his untransmuted human creation:
“You have scared me for the last time,” he said. “You
have no power.” Following this, the ascended master Saint Germain
appeared to him in Mount Shasta. His experiences and training with
the master are chronicled in the wonderful books published by the
I AM Movement, Unveiled Mysteries, The Magic Presence and
the I AM Discourses.
Godfre was embodied as the son of Saint Germain 50,000
years ago in an ancient civilization where is now the Sahara Desert.
He was also embodied as Richard the Lion heart and George Washington.
His momentum of obedience to the will of God is so strong that he
received the title, God Obedience and serves on that line of the solar
Godre teaches his students to overcome the human
consciousness of the tyrant ego dweller, by affirming in the teeth
of its manifestation, “In the name of my Mighty I AM Presence,
I refuse to accept the tyranny of my human consciousness. I call now
to my Beloved Holy Christ Self to step forth in your blazing reality
and be the only presence acting here!”
Lord Ling, God of Happiness
Lord Ling was embodied as Moses. In that embodiment,
he was given the name of God I AM THAT I AM, he led the Israelites
out of bondage and he received the ten commandments. Because his service
lacked the quality of joy, he reembodied as Ananda, disciple of Gautama
Buddha, and learned how to serve with greater love and peace. His
final embodiment was in China where as Lord Ling, he fully anchored
the flame of divine happiness. Lord Ling teaches his students how
to overcome the addictions of materialism and the pleasure cult, and
how to find genuine happiness by discovering the true mysteries of
the fire enfolding itself upon the altar of the heart. He teaches
us how to pursue the high calling of our destiny and become great
shepherds of souls. Lord Ling maintains a focus of joy in the retreat
of Jophiel
and Christine.
God Harmony
God Harmony is a cosmic being who carries the vibration of the absolute
harmony of cosmos. He was embodied on earth thousands of years ago
as a blacksmith, then as a mechanic, then finally as an astronomer.
In these lifetimes, his devotion to God as Mother was such that he
attained the cosmic consciousness of harmony.
God Harmony helps us to achieve spiritual mastery by maintaining true
harmony, even in challenging circumstances. He teaches that harmony
is the joy of God throughout creation, that manifests as harmony within
our atoms, cells, molecules and organs. It is the joy that we experience
when we share love and create beauty. It comes from a sense of oneness
with God, oneness with nature, and oneness with the Divine Mother
who exudes harmonious love for her children.
Harmony is also the science of the balance of light
and electronic forcefields, that leads to greater and greater spiritual
acceleration. It is the source of everlasting life and the overriding
virtue that we must gain for our ascension. It contributes to and
results from the balance of love, wisdom and power in our heart manifesting
in our life, which becomes the resurrection flame. The more harmony
we anchor, the more vitality and health we manifest.
There is much disharmony on earth and that absence of harmony leads
to chaos, disintegration and death. God Harmony explained that when
he placed the harmony from his causal body over the earth during a
dictation, he actually experienced immense pain, a sacrifice he was
willing to bear to help the lightbearers.
God Harmony explains that the ascended masters and our own higher
self will only give us as much light as we can harmoniously hold within
our being. To achieve a greater measure of harmony, we can ask our
Holy Christ Self to seal our untransmuted karma, so that we can enter
the Holy of holies of our being and so that through harmony, our projects
and efforts will come to fruition.
God of Gold
The God of Gold serves by attuning to Helios and
Vesta and directing the currents of the sun into the earth, where
they manifest as gold. This master appears as a blazing dazzling golden
white light with rays of fiery gold coming from his head and hands.
He works with God Tabor, the God of Nature, the Maha Chohan and the
four elemental hierarchs to amplify or suppress the growth of gold
veins in the earth, as an essential balance of light for nature and
Gold is the lodestone of Alpha and Omega and the means by which the
Christ consciousness of an entire nation can be restored. It is actually
precipitated sunlight and the energy of God in the physical plane.
It has stimulant and health giving properties and is the highest medium
of exchange for one's sacred labor. In past golden ages when people
lived by the golden rule, they exchanged and wore gold. Correspondingly,
they anchored great attainments of illumination, abundance, health
and self-mastery. Because mankind have hoarded and misused this substance,
the masters have not revealed the wealth of gold yet hidden in the
The God of Gold desires that America return to the
gold standard, because gold is necessary for the stability of nations
and their economies. He also advises students of the light to wear
gold on their body at all times, in order to balance the mind and
the emotions, to make contact with the higher self, and to magnetize
the fire of the sun.
God of Nature
The God of Nature moves with the magnetic currents of the earth to
amplify and balance them as they pass through his consciousness. Prior
to this office, the God of Nature was an alchemist of the sacred fire
and by the time he ascended, he had such a momentum working with the
forces of nature that he was given this service. The God of Nature
is described as being six feet tall, and as releasing his radiation
through robes of pink, gold and green. There is an intense blue light
in his aura and the light rays that pour from his form resemble the
Aurora Borealis. He emanates white rays from his head, gold rays from
his heart, and green and pink rays from his hands.
God Tabor, God of the Mountains
God Tabor is also called the God of the Mountains
and his retreat
is in in the Rocky Mountains over Colorado Springs. In the Ascended
Master Discourses published by the I AM Movement, the ascended
lady master Pearl speaks of meeting him. She describes him as being
both terrifying and majestic in beauty, perfection and intensity of
light. She explains that he releases his power when it is needed as
a mighty flash of lightning. Yet for all of his wondrous power, he
is as gentle as a mother with her child whom she loves more than anything
in the world. God Tabor works with all of the elemental beings of
nature and asks us to pray daily for the burden upon them, that their
hope might be restored and that they might call forth and earn a threefold
flame for their extraordinary service to life.
God of the Swiss Alps
The God of the Swiss Alps is the guardian of the threefold flame that
is anchored in the Swiss Alps and that inspired William Tell. This
great being has many legions of angels, devas and elementals serving
under him. The pulsations of his retreat help direct the destiny of
Europe and balance out the energies of love, wisdom and power within
her people.
Vulcan, God of Fire
Vulcan is a cosmic being devoted to the sacred fire. He helps souls
implement their divine plan by the action of the fire of the Christ
consciousness. Together with his legions, he works tirelessly to consume
the grotesque thoughtforms and impure vibrations released by fallen
ones through the force of darkness to sabotage the full manifestation
of the divine plan. Vulcan also assists those who strive to overcome
their lesser nature and to become the fullness of their Christ self,
as well as those who would be alchemists of the sacred fire.
In Greek mythology, Zeus is the king of the gods,
the ruler of Mount Olympus and the god of the sky and thunder. His
symbols are the thunderbolt, eagle, bull, and oak. Zeus is also
an ascended master though very little is known about him.
Ramona, Goddess
of FLowers
The ascended Lady Master Ramona is mentioned in
the March 1943 issue of Voice of the I AM. She is also
known as Flora and the Goddess of Flowers, and flowers are a physical
expression of God's perfection and love.
God and Goddess Meru
God Mercury
Helios and
Vesta, God and Goddess of this Solar System