Over a time period much longer than our history books
record, the earth has been home to lifewaves and civilizations.
Since her creation, God sent waves of souls to earth
for training and to fulfill a particular divine plan and archetypal
pattern. The divine intent was for souls to evolve in time and space
with their twin flame and gain mastery within a determined time cycle,
before ascending into higher consciousness as Christed and God-free
beings. Each wave of new souls that came to earth was issued from
a specific ray of God's consciousness. These waves of souls are called
root races and are looked after by a being of light who, with his
divine complement, serve as Father-Mother God for that root race.
These are the manus, which in Sanskrit means, progenitor. The manus
anchor the Christic pattern for souls under their tutelage and sponsorship.
The first root race was issued from the blue ray of God's power and
protection. These souls most especially anchored the vibration of
governance and good will. The second soul root race was issued from
God's yellow ray of wisdom and the souls anchored the flame of divine
illumination. The third root race was born from the pink ray of divine
love and anchored that vibration upon earth. All three of these root
races ascended.
According to the book Lives of Alcyon by
theosophical clairvoyants Charles Leadbeater and Annie Besant, the
first two root races had twelve thousand years of interaction with
time and space before ascending home to God. The fall of the angels
took place at the very end of the third root race. As a result of
the corruption that ensued, it took 17,000 years for the entire third
root race to ascend, but they succeeded. By the fourth root race,
however, the fallen angel influence was so prevalent that almost every
soul became ensnared, wreaking havoc in the cosmic timetable. The
souls of the fourth root race had come to anchor the white ray of
the purity of the Mother light on earth, and the fallen ones lusted
after that light. Theosophists assert that the fourth root race incarnated
four and a half million years ago, and today, some of these souls
are still in embodiment.
Lord Himalaya
The manu for the fourth root race is Lord Himalaya,
hierarch of the Retreat
of the Blue Lotus in the Himalayan mountains. Himalaya is a master
of masters who, together with his embodied twin flame, anchors the
masculine ray of the Fatherhood of God for the planet. Himalaya teaches
telepathy through meditation. Those who sit at his feet and blend
their consciousness with Lord Himalaya's, become one with his threefold
flame pattern. Through this oneness, they receive his ideations and
a mantra that will help unfold their divine plan. Himalaya's radiance
is as golden snow and he anchors the Christ consciousness in the Himalayas,
purifying the Ganges waters. Himalaya would teach us the quietude
and inner voice of God, the miracle of grace the majesty of peace,
the power contained within the great silence, the stillness in the
eye of the storm and the light of the heart. Stepping out of Nirvana,
he endeavors to bring the flame of divine illumination to the world
and to unite the traditions of East and West.
Vaivasvata Manu
Vaivasvata is the manu of the fifth root race, souls
who focus the green ray of God's healing and truth, and of whom many
are still unascended. His name in Sanskrit means, “born of the
Leadbeater describes him in the book, The Masters and the Path,
as “a kingly figure...the tallest of all adepts...The Manu
has a very striking face of great power, with an aquiline nose, a
full and flowing brown beard and brown eyes, and a magnificent head
of Leonine poise.” Vaivasvata's
retreat in the Himalayas magnetizes the souls of the fifth root
race and the love of the manu is so great that it cuts them free from
all that opposes their divine destiny. Vaivasvata serves to strengthen
the antahkarana web of light and asks us to call for his pattern to
appear to reinforce the pattern of our divine destiny, especially
when we feel alone, separate, maligned or misunderstood or maligned.
His twin flame also remains in physical embodiment.
The God and Goddess Meru
The God and Goddess Meru, whose retreat
is above Lake Titicaca, are the manus for the sixth root race.
This is the most recent soul pattern, destined to outpicture the fullness
of God's sixth purple and gold ray that anchors the qualities of ministration
and service. These great masters of illumination anchor the Mother
flame and feminine aspect of God for the entire planet, in their retreat
and through the Andes mountains, creating an arc with the Father energy
ensconced in the Himalayas. That Mother flame flame was withdrawn
from the physical octave when the ancient continent of Lemuria sank
beneath the Pacific ocean. They teach that God does not condemn, but
that the fallen ones do. They urge us to overcome self-condemnation
in all of its forms, lest we condemn our souls out of existence. They
also urge us to refrain from negatively competing with others, and
explain this spiritual point of vulnerability brought down the Incan
civilization. They remind us that God is a consuming fire fully able
to dissolve and transmute sin. .
Eightfold Plan to Save
the Youth from the God and Goddess Meru
The God and Goddess Meru also sponsor the Christed
education of children and youth through methods of advanced learning
that accelerate the innate potential of every child, starting in the
womb. They have revealed an eightfold plan for the rescue of the youth
that involves
1. education upon the word and the sacred heart manifest as
a firm foundation in reading, writing
and arithmetic.
2. parental training
3. cooperation between parents, teachers and sponsors of children
working together in community
4. daily prayers on behalf of the youth of the world
5. community building and services that strengthens families
and reinforces values
6. training in responsible citizenship for children and
7. establishing harmonious music in the home patterned
after the music of the spheres
8. reinforcing individuality by sharing with young people the
example of saints, heroes and positive
role models, thereby diminishing the dangers of peer pressure, which
is an emotional
interdependence among teenagers that seeks to compensate for a lack
of parental involvement
Great Divine Director
The Great Divine Director is a cosmic
being who is the manu of the incoming seventh root race, destined
to embody in South America as a soul pattern of freedom on the violet
ray. The great Divine Director has merged his consciousness with
the cosmic cycles of God's divine plan for untold universes. In the
Hindu tradition, he is known as the elephant-God Ganesha, the remover
of obstacles, who is son of Shiva
and Parvati and brother of Kartikeya.
He serves on the Karmic
Board and on the twelve o'clock line of the solar
hierarchies. His causal body surrounds the entire planet in a
giant blue sphere through which the delivery of the judgment shall
pass. The Great Divine Director maintains a retreat known as the Cave
of Light in India. He is also known as the Master R for his
retreat and association with Saint Germain and the House of Rakoczy
in Eastern Europe) When you call upon the Great Divine Director, you
receive a fresh understanding of divine direction for your life. This
master will help you to know your divine plan, especially when you
invoke the violet flame of freedom in his name.