The Two Witnesses
Mark and Elizabeth Clare Prophet served as Messengers
for The Summit Lighthouse. As twin flames, they fulfilled the spiritual
office of the two witnesses and the two candlesticks described in
the Book of Revelation. Mark passed away in February 26, 1973 to become
the ascended master Lanello.
Elizabeth Clare Prophet passed away on October 15, 2009 and is ascending
“from glory unto glory.” Her spiritual name, Guru Ma,
is a title that was bestowed upon her by the ascended master Padma
Sambhava, and for the students who loved her, she will always be “Mother.”
Mother and Mark had many gifts—clairvoyance, clairaudience,
healing, prophecy, the ability to work with elemental nature spirits
and the ongoing contact with the Brotherhood of Light. Simply coming
into contact with their aura was enough to give your chakras a mighty
To learn about the lives of these two messengers
of God, we recommend the books, All
for the Love of God and On
Fire for God, written by their biographers Alex and Margaret Reichardt.
More than fifty witnesses of Mark and Mother's miracle intercessions
are also posted on the website www.markandmother.com.
Through the spiritual leadership and intercession of Mark and Mother,
dozens of chelas have already made their ascension, with many more
to come. Lanello and Guru Ma continue to work at inner levels with
us, inspiring us, strengthening us and goading us on. They are preparing
to take on the spiritual office that is now filled by the God and
Goddess Meru, who in turn will take on the office of Helios of Vesta,
as Helios and Vesta move on to yet greater cosmic service.
“May you win all the way!” This is their
timeless message to devotees of truth everywhere.
The ascended master Lanello first came to earth with
Sanat Kumara. He served as a high priest and master of invocation
in the Temple of the Logos on Atlantis. Then, he came back as the
Prophet Noah, who built the ark during the final days of Atlantis,
before the sinking of that continent. He was also Lot in the Old Testament,
who witnessed the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah, and the Egyptian
Pharaoh Ikhanaton, who established the worship of Aton, the one God.
mark later embodied as the Greek fablist Aesop, as Mark the evangelist,
as Origen of Alexandria, defender of the Christian mysteries.
Then, Lanello came back as Launcelot, the knight
of the Round Table; as the zen master Bodhidharma; as King Clovis,
patron saint of France; Saladin, the great moslem leader; as Saint
Bonaventure, the franciscan mystic and doctor of the church; as Louis
the XIV, Sun King of France; as the native american Hiawatha; and
as the beloved poet Longfellow. In the early twentieth century, Lanello
embodied as the young tsarevitch Alexis who was murdered by the Bolcheviks
in the Russian Revolution. His final incarnation was his life as Mark
Mark ascended with 71 percent of his karma balanced.
Mother explained that even though Lanello had rendered extraordinary
service to the light, lifetime after lifetime, his karma had been
entwined with so many other souls that it had been very heavy. This
is why with all the attainment Mark had, and even the nine gifts of
the Holy Spirit, he had not been able to balance the full slate while
incarnate. Mother helped him balance the rest of that karma after
his ascension, as they were both working together. Then, on February
26, 1997, twenty-four years after his ascension, the master Morya
announced that Lanello had balanced 100 percent of his karma.
Lanello tells his students that we are all candidates
for the ascension, vested with a blue cape of ability the master gives
to us from his causal body. Lanello has promised to walk and talk
with us each day as the “ever present guru,” impelling
us forward until we fully anchor our own Christ consciousness. Anytime
we care faced with a challenge or a problem, he invites us to write
a letter to him and burn it. The master never fails. Lanello's Retreat
is over the Rhine Valley and his musical keynote is “Greensleeves.”
Guru Ma
Guru Ma also first came to earth with Sanat Kumara.
She had a number of incarnations on Atlantis and Lemuria. She she
served as the highest representative of the Divine Mother on Lemuria,
whose murder unleashed the karma of the sinking of that continent.
She was also embodied as Queen Nefertiti in Egypt, a lifetime in which
she bore her signature smile. She later came back as Martha of Bethany,
the sister of Lazarus and devoted follower of Jesus. Then, she embodied
as Hypatia, the brilliant Greek philosopher and mathematician; as
Queen Guinevere of Camelot; as Saint and Queen Clotilde, patroness
of France; as Yeshe Tsogyal, who helped found Tibetan buddhism and
transcribed the teachings of Padma Sambhava for posterity; as Saint
Claire of Assisi founder of the poor Clares, and as Saint Catherine
of Sienna, doctor of the church who bore the stigmata; as Margaret,
the eldest daughter of Thomas More; and as Maria Theresa of Spain,
the wife of Louis the XIV.
Guru Ma came back to the French throne as Marie Antoinette, the last
queen of France who was greatly maligned and stated, before her sentencing:
“Courage! I have shown it for years; think you I shall lose
it at the moment when my sufferings are to end?” Following the
tragic outcome of that life, she came back as the beloved Austrian
Empress “Sissi,” and finally as Elizabeth Clare Prophet,
Messenger for the Great White Brotherhood. When Elizabeth was a child,
she had a vision of her future mission:
“Whirling out of light I saw a daisy, and the
sun of the daisy symbolizing the individual Christ Self and the emanation
of its consciousness in the petals. It began to whirl. Then Saint
Germain showed me in the center of each daisy a face—a beautiful
face—of a soul of God. And he said, 'I am impressing upon your
aura the electronic vibration of every single one of these souls and
also their faces and you will go up and down the earth and around
this planet and find these souls and you will transmit the teachings.
They are the shepherds that I am going to raise up.”
Guru Ma balanced had 100 percent of her personal karma in 1980. This
was a tremendous victory. She spent the rest of her years holding
the balance for world karma, as well as to balance any personal karma
she would be making from that point forward. During the final years
of her ministry, Mother was very keen on working to resolve her psychology,
making amends for any harm that she had inflicted upon others and
helping her students do the same.
Having achieved the balancing 100 percent of her
karma in this life qualifies Mother for the initiation of the Lamb
and the opening of the seven seals, which is given by Sanat Kumara.
Sanat Kumara describes this in The Path of the Ruby Ray:
“Each initiate of the sacred fire who returns
to God with one hundred percent of the light with which he has been
sent forth--balanced, manifested, and expanded in the seven planes
of heaven and earth—may stand where I stand, may indeed enter
the secret chamber of my heart and there take the book out of my right
hand, the book 'written within and on the backside, sealed with seven
With the recent dispensation granted by the Karmic Board that souls
may take the ascension with only fifty-one percent of their karma
balanced, their dharma fulfilled.... The initiation of the Lamb and
the opening of the seven-sealed book is given only after the adept
has balanced every jot and tittle of the Law from the ascended state....
The Son of God ascended into the fullness of the I AM THAT I AM now
receives the title “the Lamb." And when he takes the book,
signifying his authority to be with the Ancient of Days in Spirit
and in Matter, ... he is become the fullness of the Godhead bodily
in Spirit and in Matter—because he has fulfilled his fiery destiny
in heaven and in earth.”
Guru Ma is best remembered for her smile, her joy,
her determination, her resourcefulness, her courage and her unflinching
service to life. Her flaming spirit and her motto, “Keep on
keeping on,” continues to manifest through us, and her musical
keynote, “Beautiful Dreamer,” draws her presence close.
The morning after her memorial service, the local
paper reported,
“There was standing room only Thursday night
at a memorial reception for Elizabeth Clare Prophet, longtime spiritual
leader of the controversial Church Universal and Triumphant. Hundreds
of people packed a ballroom at the Hilton Garden Inn in Bozeman to
watch a slideshow of Prophet’s life and share memories about
their experience knowing her. 'Mother gave me the skills to develop
my identity, to develop my soul,' Catherine Doucas said of Prophet,
whom church followers refer to as 'Mother.' 'She taught me how to
really listen,' Doucas, who joined the church in 1975, said. 'I thank
God everyday for the opportunity and loved the training that I got.'
People around the globe, from as far away as Africa and South America,
tuned in Thursday to watch a live Webcast of Prophet’s private
memorial ceremony held prior to the public reception. At least a dozen
people also shared stories about Prophet. Chera Walsh, said she had
left her home when she was 14 years old and found the church not long
after. She said that when she first met Prophet she couldn’t
name any of the countries in South America. Prophet made sure she
got an education, learned about the countries, and helped raise her.
Prophet also took the extra step, she said, to take her to the South
American countries she’d learned about.”
As the days and years move forward, Mother's vision
will live on in our hearts:
“We are a loving spiritual community that helps
people attain and sustain a one-on-one relationship with God and the
teaches a path of soul liberation. We celebrate and embrace the teachings
of the ascended masters and the truths of the world's religions. Our
community is a church of divine love and an organization that learns
and grows. We share practical tools that help people live a spiritual
life. we nurture and support families. We promote and foster service
to others based on the understanding that we are all one. [...] We
apply the teachings and use the science of the spoken word and the
violet flame to bring about self-transcendence and world transformation.
we honor and cultivate a guru-chela relationship with the ascended
Elizabeth Clare Prophet Teach about Your Great God Self
Ascended Students
of The Summit Lighthouse
The people highlighted in this section are all students
of Mark and Elizabeth Clare Prophet. Most of them served on staff
for many years, and all were devotees of the violet flame. Now, they
serve mankind on inner planes and we can call upon the momentum they
anchored while they lived on earth. Karma is far more difficult to
balance on the etheric plane. The only way is to serve mankind concretely.
When we call upon the help of our recently ascended brethren, we facilitate
their balancing of karma. It is truly a win-win potential.
Regarding karmic percentages, Mother explained to
students at Summit University that some people come to the light who
are children of God and have the heart of God, but are bowed down
with a very heavy karma. That karma can be so heavy that the child
of God may not be able to sustain the flame or retain a relationship
with the ascended masters, even after finding the teachings, simply
because of the weight of that human karma.
Mother said that percentages do not tell us how much karma we have.
If we were to weigh our karma in pounds, one person's fifty-one percent
could be two billion pounds of karma. Another person's fifty-one percent
may only be one billion pounds because everybody has a different amount
of karma.
How much karma you balance depends on how much you
have. If it's twenty-four or thirty-six percent, it could still be
great deal more than someone else who had the same percentage. That
is why it is so important to give as much violet
flame as possible to transmute the load that we bear, as well
as to develop a relationship with a sponsoring master. (Read
more about this here.)
Our capacity to retain light is in relationship to
how much karma we have and how much darkness is in our world. When
people fall away from the teaching, it is because of their karma and
because of their will. A person can have a huge karma, but with a
determined will, can keep that karma sealed and transmuting in the
violet light. In this way, a great quantity of karma does not mean
the person cannot make it on the spiritual path. The master Morya
said that people with a light karma and very little willpower often
do not make it, whereas people with a great karma and great determination
do overcome more quickly.
Some of the people featured on this site had their
ascension confirmed by the Messengers. Others have passed since that
time. Even though their ascension has not been confirmed by the messengers,
we honor their many years of service to life and to the Brotherhood
and hope that they too have ascended. In the words of Jesus, “These
works shall ye do and greater works, because I go unto my Father.”
Clara Louise Kieninger
The ascended lady master Clara Louise was the first
Mother of the Flame. She ascended on October 25, 1970 with 65 percent
of her karma balanced. she serves at the temple of Luxor with her
twin flame, Amen Bey. Her motto is “Ich dien," I serve.
Clara Louise had served as a priestess of the Divine Mother on Lemuria
and was also embodied as the apostle James. Her focus was always to
raise up the light of the mother through discipline, purity and devotion
to others. For many years, she spent several hours a day in prayer
on behalf of the youth of the world. To help the youth, she chose
to anchor the momentum of her ascension as a spiral of victory over
Berkeley, California that blesses, heals and strengthens souls of
Lady Master Kristine
Lady Master Kristine was embodied as Florence Miller,
and previous to that, as Saint Teresa of Avila. She worked on Mark
and Mother's staff for many years, offering her tireless service to
help publish the Word. Sanat Kumara said in a dictation that her path
for many centuries had been one of self-sacrifice, surrender, selflessness
and service, which allowed her to transcend the consciousness of earth
with an overflowing light of Christ consciousness.
Florence was also determined to defeat the fallen
angels, especially those that had infiltrated the church. Mother commented
on this when she described Florence's transition. Florence ascended
on September 20, 1979 with 65 percent of her karma balanced. Her husband,
Tom, described her: “She was balanced, beautiful, a great servant
of light. The fervor of her dedication to the cause of world freedom
and enlightenment set a high standard for all to emulate. Her devotion
to God was a rare gift. It told me she had touched the hem of Christ's
Mary Lou Majerus
This student of Mark and Elizabeth ascended with
61 percent of her karma balanced.
She is featured in the book, On
Fire for God.
Ruth Hawkins
Ruth Hawkins ascended with 61 percent of her karma
balanced and now holds the title of goddess of beauty. Read more about
her here.
Warren Carter
Warren Carter made his ascension with 54 percent
of his karma balanced and his ascension plume is anchored over the
city of Bozeman, Montana.
Alice Boscoe
Alice Boscoe made her ascension with 78 percent of
her karma balanced. She is featured in the book, On
Fire for God and is best remembered by a picture taken in
a cathedral where you can clearly see an ascending spiral of light
all around her.
Ruth Farnam
Ruth Farnum ascended with 79 percent of her karma
Patricia Johnson
Patricia Johnson ascended with 54 percent of her karma
Ella Amber
Ella Amber ascended with 55 percent of her karma balanced.
Helen Ries
Helen Ries ascended with 60 percent of her karma balanced.
Paul O' Neal
Paul O'Neal ascended with 77 percent of his karma
balanced. He was a a very steadfast, serene and gentle soul.
Buela Heaney
Buela Heaney, “Lady Beatitude” ascended
with 51 percent of her karma balanced. She spent several months in
the retreats after her passing to finalize the fifty-one percent and
make her ascension.
Leon E.A. Chagnon
Leon E.A. Chagnon ascended with 73 percent of his karma
George Lancaster
George Lancaster,“Sir Grandpeer” ascended
with 65 percent of his karma balanced.
Carol Hedgpeth
Carol Hedgpeth, knighted Sir Valiant, ascended with 70 percent of his
karma balanced.
Persis McDonald
Persis Mc Donald ascended with 57 percent of her
karma balanced. She was the first ascension in the church. Mark Prophet
said he had never met someone who could hold on to higher consciousness
as well as she could. She was a shining star and quickly made her
Helen McDonald
Helen Mc Donald ascended with 53 percent of her karma balanced.
Denny Cree
Denny Cree ascended with 68 percent of his karma balanced.
Iva Cree
Iva Cree ascended with 53 percent of her karma balanced.
Ruth Jones
Ruth Jones ascended with 68 percent of her karma balanced.
Sidney Jones
Sidney Jones ascended with 68 percent of his karma balanced.
Margarite Baker
Margarite Baker ascended with 60 percent of her karma
Margarite Wurtsbauth
Margarite Wurtsbauth ascended with 54 percent of her karma
More Ascended Students
Candidates for the Ascension
The legacy left by the students below will have, for
all intents and purposes, qualified them for the ascension. Most of
these students made their transition after Elizabeth Clare Prophet
retired. As a result, we did not receive a confirmation of each one's
ascension nor do we have karmic percentages. The confirmation must
come then, from within our heart.
For some, an ascension takes place immediately following the laying
down of the physical body. Others have to prepare for a number of
weeks, months and even years on inner levels before their soul can
be wed permanently to God. To access the gifts of the causal bodies
of these ones, we can call upon their Mighty I AM Presence and Holy
Christ Self.
This list is by no means exclusive and we look forward to adding many
more names to it in coming years
Sigrid Carlson
Sigrid Carlson served the messengers for many years
and was the director of the Washington, D.C. teaching center. She
balanced the blue ray of God's will with the pink ray of God's love,
and exemplified the qualities of love, discipline, determination,
diplomacy, and compassion that won many hearts. The Great Divine Director
spoke of her service in a dictation that is published in the thirtieth
Keepers of the Flame lesson. He said,
“ I would speak now of our beloved Sigrid, who has walked this
path of love. Beloved hearts, I introduce to you one who is known
as the Friend of the Messengers. This blessed soul of light has earned
a great reward by certain virtues and service which are plain for
all to see. I would dwell upon this for a moment because so many think
of so many other things to do apart from keeping the flame. The holding
of the flame of this sanctuary and teaching center has been in her
heart and through her heart and through her service. But long before
this, early in the mission of the messengers, she became the staunch
and true and loyal guardian of their flame, their mission and their
Following the dictation, Mother shared that Sigrid
wrote the words to the song, “All Hail, Mighty Serapis Bey!”
and that she was an initiate of Luxor. In a biographical sketch about
her, we read: “Those who have witnessed her light and attainment
testify to her precision and efficiency, always complemented by a
true humility and compassionate heart. One student described her as,
'the most dedicated chela and best manager I've ever seen!' On July
4, 1979, beloved Lanello honored Sigrid as the one 'who holds a lamp
for all the nation, bright and burning, in Washington.' The highlight
of her life, she says, has been 'finding the teachings and serving
the messengers--without question it has been my greatest joy!'”
Kenneth McNeel “Laugh-A-Lot”
Kenneth McNeel was a friend and staunch supporter
of Mark and Elizabeth Clare Prophet, and had shared many past lives
with them. He and Mark loved to wrestle. Mark would tackle him and
they would work off some old karma that way. Kenneth, affectionately
known as “Uncle Ken" accompanied the messengers to the
Holy Land and many other places. Mark told him that he had been embodied
as King “Tut,” the young Egyptian pharaoh who was Ikhnaton's
son. He was also head of a landscaping crew for Louis the XIV at Versailles.
Jokingly, Mark told Kenneth that when he ascended, his ascended master
name would be “Laugh-a-lot.”
Uncle Ken had a relationship with the ascended masters long before
he met Mark and Elizabeth and recounts how as a young man, Saint Germain
appeared to him on a train ride through Europe. He was also able to
see and work with gnomes and elementals, who eagerly responded to
him. Uncle Ken made his transition in August of 2009. The year before,
he had moved to the town of Mount Shasta. He told friends at the time
that he was going to Shasta to make his ascension. It would come as
no surprise if Uncle Ken was serving with Fun
Wey, in Eriel's
retreat over Arizona, where he spent many of his last years, lending
his assistance to the elementals and gently reminding us not to take
ourselves too seriously. For like El Morya said, “A twinkle
of mirth is needed on earth.”
Mother Caspari
Elisabeth Caspari was the friend and student of Maria
Montessori, now ascended. She spent her life building schools and
heralding the Montessori message to the world. Elisabeth was always
interested in mystical teachings and in the masters of the Far East.
As a young woman, she traveled to India and was given to hold the
ancient manuscripts that testified that Jesus had been there. Her
journey is recorded by Elizabeth Clare Prophet in the bestselling
book, The Lost Years of Jesus.
Mother Caspari moved to Montana after she found the
teachings of the ascended masters to be close to Elizabeth Clare Prophet
and to train students in the true message of Maria Montessori, which
is first and foremost spiritual in nature.
Mother Caspari shared that she had been embodied as Elisabeth, the
mother of John the Baptist. In that life, she and Mother Mary worked
together to develop and anchor the holistic training for John and
Jesus that Maria Montessori tapped into two thousand years later,
under the guidance of Mother Mary. When Mother Caspari met Maria Montessori
at the onset of this life and was trained by her in what has come
to be called the Montessori method, she also tapped into the attainment
she had anchored in her life as Elisabeth. Indeed, the cycle had come
full circle.
Today, Mother Caspari works closely with children, parents and educators
and many can attest to her benevolent presence. Her motto is, “Love
is the key!” Mother Caspari undoubtedly serves with Mother Mary
and Maria Montessori to help expand the Christ education of the youth
around the world. Read more about the spiritual foundations behind
the legacy of Mother Caspari and Maria Montessori on
this website.
Liv Hoiland
Liv Hoiland was a Norwegian student of Elizabeth
Clare Prophet, and a devotee of Mother Mary. She developed a powerful
healing method to help students accelerate their four lower bodies
into the light. Liv radiated an extreme peace, beauty, light and goodwill
wherever she went. She was always reminding people to focus on their
Mighty I AM Presence. She was also very close to the Tibetan people
and believed she had recently embodied there. Liv left us all too
soon, yet those who knew and loved her can still feel her motherly
flame. This picture captured the ascension spiral around Liv.
Rebecca Lorenz
Rebecca Lorenz was a longtime staff member of the
Summit Lighthouse. As a young adult, she became a nun, and later a
mother superior. She left her vocation as a nun after she found the
teachings of the ascended masters. This was not an easy decision for
her, but she knew the ascended masters would provide her soul with
all of the answers she had been yearning for, and confirmed her innate
belief in reincarnation. Elizabeth Clare Prophet told Rebecca that
she would make her ascension at the conclusion of this life. There
is no doubt that she is one with the Sacred Heart of Jesus.
Hans Roing
Hans Roing joined The Summit Lighthouse after graduating
from college and served there until he unexpectedly passed away in
the spring of 2009. Hans loved mountaineering, patriotic causes and
taking a stand for truth. He was staunchly devoted to the mission
of bringing these teachings to the world and worked on the multimedia
team at the Royal Teton Ranch. Though Hans had a heavy workload and
was burdened from time to time, he never let this show, flashing his
beaming smile instead at everyone he met. Another quality Hans had
was that he never said a bad word about anyone.
Hans had videotaped our wedding back in 1998 and created a beautiful
video that my family cherishes. During his memorial service, when
the final meditation song was played, “I Vow to Thee My Country,”
a tremendous light descended upon us. To my surprise and great delight,
I heard Hans in my inner ear saying, “I was there for your wedding.
Now you are here for mine!” I will never forget that moment,
and I have no doubt that Hans' marriage to Christ has left a flame
with us that is perhaps anchored over Electric Peak, the mountain
he so loved to climb, under the Retreat
of the Divine Mother.
Herbert Beigel
Herbert Beigel had been a student of the I AM Movement
for many years, before he joined the Summit Lighthouse. A devoted
chela of the ascended master Saint Germain, Herbert served for many
years as the right hand man of Lotus, the messenger for the I AM Movement.
He loved to tell the story of how, with other I AM students, he kept
a vigil and decreed every single night for four years during World
War II. Together, they invoked the
violet flame to transmute world karma and shorten the duration
of the war, never missing a session.
Herbert knew more ascended master teachings than
almost anyone around and radiated their light in his aura. Herbert's
favorite expression was “It has no power.” Whenever he
was confronted with what he said was the appearance of a problem,
he refused to be brought down by it.
Herbert Beigel was quite a character, highly opinionated,
exceedingly devoted, and had a heart of gold. Herbert loved to wear
pastel suits, jeweled rings that he designed and a royal blue felt
top hat. He also built a replica of the atomic accelerator, in answer
to a request made by the master David
Lloyd during a dictation. The atomic accelerator is a chair in
Saint Germain's Cave
of Symbols that quickens the atomic vibration of the human body,
raising physical flesh atoms into the divine purity and structure
of the electronic, or higher vehicle. As seen with the unascended
masters, this body remains forever, eternally youthful, beautiful,
strong, perfect and free from the limitations of time and space. The
chair also balances mental and emotional states and was used on Atlantis
to heal criminally-minded people.
We can ask to be taken to the Cave of Symbols to
sit in the chair in our finer body, while our physical body sleeps.
During his dictation, David Lloyd also asked for a gold chair to be
placed before the altar, to be charged with one percent of the charge
of the atomic accelerator found in the retreat, so that students could
have a physical experience of the currents.
Several years later, Herbert was determined to build
his own replica of the atomic accelerator so that students might be
able to continue benefiting from that dispensation. He built a golden
chair according to the descriptions found in The Magic Presence
and kept it in his altar room. Herbert seemed to personally benefit
from the chair because year after year, for at least ten years, he
seemed to look younger. During the last years of Herbert's life, the
chair was brought to Summit Lighthouse conferences and many people
took the opportunity to sit in it.
When Herbert attended his first Summit Lighthouse
conference, Elizabeth Clare Prophet spotted him in the back of the
room. She said there was so much light in his aura that she had to
know who he was. They remained friends for many years, and Elizabeth
always went out to dinner with Herbert when she came to Chicago. There
is no doubt that today, Herbert is one again with Saint Germain, Guru
Ma, Lotus and Godre, and sits right alongside them when we replay
their dictations.
Maria Scoble
Maria Scoble was an Austrian native who served with
Mother for many years. She is best remembered for her love of beauty
and her great joy flame. After Maria left staff, she opened an esoteric
bookstore in Livingston and so touched the people of the town that
upon her passing, they raised money to erect a monument in her memory.
Perhaps Maria chose to anchor a portion of her flame over Livingston,
as she was so well loved there. It is also likely that she is working
closely with the Lanello at his Retreat
above the Rhine.
Mary Florence
Mary Duncan was a student of the ascended master teachings
who spent the last years of her life in Bozeman, Montana. She was
very close to Jesus and had a beautiful, sweet and peaceful presence
that everyone who attended the teaching center very much appreciated.
Esta Buckland
Esta Buckland was a student of the ascended masters.
She was close to Mother for many years and beloved by many students
in Paradise Valley. She has a beautiful witness on the “Mark
and Mother” website called
“Ninety-eight and more work to do!” This witness was
written when Esta was 98 years old.
Evelyn Dykman
Evelyn Dykman wrote her autobiography, Sweet Mystery of Life,
while she was in her nineties, which celebrates the masters, the messengers
and their teachings. She autographed the book with these sacred words:
“I have found the way, I AM the way, Sanat Kumara.”
Rev. Timothy Connor reviewed her book and said, “Herein lies
a mother's comfort and counsel, filled with inspiring, exciting stories
and practical keys for living a spiritual life.” Rev. Gene Vosseler
witnessed to it as well, “This beautiful autobiography touches
us at the deepest levels of our being because it is written from the
level of her soul.” And Norman Millman wrote that “It
is the tender story of a soul who has served and continues to serve
the brethren in the name of Christ's love.” May we all learn
to walk in her footsteps.
Adolphus Glenn
Adolphus Glenn was a photographer for the Summit
Lighthouse with a very cheerful and gentle flame. He loved to photograph
Mother. The last pictures he took before his passing were beautiful
pictures of Mother with her son, Seth. He also created four magnificent
prints of the Lord Maha Chohan by using a special process with copper.
Mother used this print on the high altar of the church for many years.
Jean Baures
Jean Baures worked on staff for many years and helped
to finalize the Pearls of Wisdom CD-Rom, that contains all of the
printed dictations of the masters between 1958 and 1997, and is hopefully
still available from The Summit Lighthouse. Jean made her transition
in a car accident less than a month after the project was completed.
Guy Hudson
Guy Hudson served the messengers for many years and
was very devoted to the master Morya. He had a great joy flame, constancy,
peace and humility. He served closely with the elementals. Many people
believe that he ascended.
Ruth Bolton
Ruth Bolton was a sweetheart who
served the Summit Lighthouse for many years. A week or so before her
passing, she said that she was "ready to go home."
A Special Dispensation
Leo Harth
lived in the community of Glastonbury founded
by Elizabeth. He was peripherally involved in the teachings, but faithfully
recited a rosary to Mother Mary every day. When Leo passed on, he
had balanced less than 51 percent of his karma. Instead of having
to reincarnate, Leo received a special dispensation from Darjeeling.
He was allowed to share with unascended students what he had learned
since his transition about the reality of life on the “other
side,” as well as the importance of applying the teachings and
making your ascension. The masters hoped that students might strongly
benefit from these observations, coming from an unascended brother
who had walked among them, who was “very human” and who
was quickly learning the spiritual ropes, so to speak.
Leo communicated three sets of questions and answers
about life, the retreats and the reality of God to his wife, Patricia
Kirdman, who is still in embodiment. She compiled them into a book,
Messages from Heaven, that is timely, touching, transcendent
and also covers mundane subjects like the passing of Princess Diana
and dealing with the economy. The book is a great read, and the more
people who benefit from it, the quicker Leo can balance karma from
inner levels and finally qualify as a candidate for the ascension.
Valerie Rawlings
Valerie Rawlings worked on the Messengers'
editorial staff for many years and was a staunch devotee of the masters
and a lover of the Word. She continually expressed her gratitude for
the teachings of the ascended masters and all that we had received.
Merle and Marge
Merle and Marge Bouma were devoted
keepers of the flame from the time of Mark Prophet all the way to the
end of their life.
Margaret Reichardt
Margaret Reichardt was a devoted keeper of the flame
from the time of Mark Prophet all the way to the end of her life. She
served the Summit Lighthouse for many years and helped her husband alex
write the biographies of Mark and Elizabeth lcare Prophet, All for
the Love of God and On Fire for God. Her Presence was
tangibly felt following her transition from this octave.
Alberta Chang
Alberta Chang is a devotee of the
buddha, who passed his flame, his love and his smiling presence on to
the many children that she worked with.
Dorothy Lee Fulton,
Messenger of Music
Dorothy Lee Fulton was a friend who brought forth Mother
Mary's music of the spheres. This witness by Alex Reichardt describes
her well. She is shown here, holding a picture of the Russian students
to her heart.
“My first conference was in 1964 at the Dodge House in Washington
D.C. This was the day that Mark announced, “God had sent someone
to draw down the Music of the Spheres.” When Dorothy Lee heard
that, she knew Mark was talking about her. In those days we used to
call her Lynda Leonard. She said that was kind of a pet name she had.
Dorothy Lee said she had been writing music all her life for as long
as she could remember.
She was very close to both Messengers, Mark and Elizabeth Prophet.
She and Mother even celebrated their birthdays together, Dorothy Lee
was born on April 3 and Mother on April 8.
She wouldn’t take money from the church. Instead she donated
— sometimes large sums — that allowed the Pearls of Wisdom
to be mailed out in the early days when the church didn’t have
the funds. She also gave money for staff men to go out and buy proper
attire for services since they couldn’t afford it themselves.
In the beginning, Dorothy Lee conducted services in Little Rock, Arkansas
and had a nice group with several serious devotees. It was a heartache
for her when she left to join staff and no one would step up to the
plate and keep the group going.
One time she and Mother were together when someone started speaking
sharply to Dorothy Lee. Mother defending her, responded, “You
may not speak to her in that manner. She is my beloved.” This
gave Dorothy Lee much comfort to hear that coming from her Guru and
it was a source of strength in the fulfillment of her mission.
One time I asked her how she goes about drawing down the Music of
the Spheres. She said it’s like going down a cosmic highway and
along the way these melodies come to her.
Her musical inspiration bordered on the miraculous. She recounted how
“Waltzing in the Sunset” (song 816) came about. This was
back in 1979. She was sitting in the choir loft at the Chapel of the
Holy Grail in Camelot. Saint Germain was dictating through Mother when
suddenly a beam of light from the Master’s heart came out towards
her. In that split second she received the lilting violet flame song,
“Waltzing in the Sunset” from Saint Germain, heart to heart,
and internalized the entire composition.
Realizing the transcendent gift she had just received, she cautioned
those around her not to speak to her lest it break her fine attunement
with the Master and lose this beautiful piece. She rushed home - and
wrote it all down –every note and word. It had all come back to
her like the replay of a precious moment being suspended in cosmos.
So when you sing this piece, remember that this is a love song from
the heart of Saint Germain through Dorothy Lee, Messenger of Music,
composed for twin flames as a love tryst.
Dorothy Lee received her commission from Mother Mary in a dictation
in King Arthur’s Court. But there was so much opposition, she
almost didn’t make it. Then Mother phoned and made a powerful
call at the altar for her. That enabled her to drive down to the ranch
where she was ushered onto the stage. Dorothy Lee told me how Mother
Mary had placed a ring of Light over her head for protection.
Mother Mary told Dorothy Lee that she takes each piece of music sung
by the choir and multiplies it a million times. And Dorothy Lee would
always affirm that this music was not hers but Mother Mary’s music
that came through her. She was merely the vessel.
Her whole life was transformed when Mark played matchmaker by getting
her to marry her childhood sweetheart, Milton. This was to be a turning
point in her life. The marriage taught her many things, including love.
Not just human love but the love of the Guru. Milton was also the instrument
through which the Masters provided Dorothy Lee with a lifetime income.
About two years ago Dorothy Lee told me that she had such a burning
sensation in her legs that sometimes she couldn’t get out of bed.
Mark Prophet had the same experience before he ascended. I would witness
this when I worked on his feet to help him relax. The Masters have told
us that this is the fire of the ascension current.
She was very grateful for all the love she felt from so many souls
of light in so many places and for these wondrous teachings. She was
also very appreciative of the dedication and hard work of the members
of the choir, many dear friends throughout the years that she had a
love tie with and for Charles and Miriam Barker for helping her as she
grew older and was not able to get around. She even said she thought
of them as her own children. Sometimes, during some of her darkest hours
when it seemed as though she could not take another step, they were
there encouraging her and assisting her to keep on keeping on.”
Dorothy Lee's music is available through
www.cosmicportals.org. She has also written down many of her miraculous